Legume / Vegetables

Placinta cu vinete/Eggplant pie

 Ma pregatesc sa plec in vacanta. Miercuri dimineata vom lua avionul spre Bruxelles.
Printre bagaje, cumparaturi si iesiri cu prieteni a trebuit sa gatesc strictul necesar pentru timpul ramas pana plecam. Nu-mi place sa arunc mancarea motiv pentru care am facut inventarul in frigider.
Am gasit cateva vinete, ardei, rosii, un pic de carne tocata de vita si porc. Eram tentata sa fac un sos pentru spaghete. M-am razgandit in ultimul moment si am facut o placinta cu vinete inventata pe moment.

Ingrediente pentru aluat (pentru 2 placinte)
– 100 ml ulei masline
– 50 ml lapte
– faina cat cuprinde

Ingrediente pentru umplutura
– 1 kg vinete
– 300 g carne tocata amestec (se poate folosi si carne de pui)
– 250 g ardei kapia copt
– 1 ceapa
– 2 rosii
– maghiran
– busuioc
– cimbru
– sare
– 4 oua

I’m getting ready for holiday. Wednesday morning we’ll take the plane for Bruxelles. 
Among luggages, shopping and meetings with friends I had to cook just for the time that has left to stay home. I don’t like to throw away the food. That’s why I made the inventory in my fridge.
I found some eggplants, kapia pepper, tomatoes, some beef and pork minced meat. I was tempted to make a spaghetti sauce. In the end I changed my mind and I baked an eggplant pie invented right away.
Ingredients for the dough (for 2 pies)
– 100 ml virgin olive oil
– flour as much as is needed
– 50 ml milk
Ingredients for filling
– 1 kg eggplants
– 300 g beef-pork minced meat (you can use chicken also)
– 250 g grilled kapia pepper
– 1 onion
– 2 tomatoes
– marjoram
– savory
– sweet basil
– salt
– 4 eggs

Curatam vinetele, le spalam si le taiem rondele. Se pun pe gratar si se rumenesc pe ambele parti.
Daca nu aveti ardeii kapia copti (asa cum i-am avut eu) ii spalati si ii puneti pe gratar. Apoi ii decojiti si le scoateti semintele.
Carnea, ceapa taiata marunt, ardeii rupti suvite, rosiile, sarea si ierburile aromate  se pun intr-o cratita si se dau la foc potrivit amestecand in continuu. Nu se pune ulei deoarece carnea va lasa suficienta zeama. Dupa 10 minute cratita se trage deoparte.

We peel off the eggplants, we wash them and we cut them in rondels. Eggplants will be put on the grill and will be parched on both sides. If you don’t have the kapia peppers allready grilled (as I had them) you will wash and put them on the grill. After they are grilled you have to peel off and to take the seeds out of them.
The minced meat, the onion cut finely, the peppers ripped in medium longitudinal pieces, the tomatoes, salt and the aromatic herbs will be put into a pan on the stove. The fire has to be at a medium intensity. We must mix in the pan with a spoon. We mustn’t use oil because the meat will let a sauce in the pan which should be in off. After 10 minutes the pan will be taken off the stove.

Intr-un bol vom pune uleiul de masline si laptele. Vom adauga faina cat cuprinde, pana obtinem o coca elastica. Coca se pune in tava sfaramata.
Se adauga vinetele si amestecul de carne si legume.

Into a bowl we will add the olive oil and the milk. The flour will be added until we’ll obtain an elastic dough. The dough will be put in the tray shivered. 

After that we will add the eggplants and the mix of meat and vegetables.

In final se adauga 2 oua batute ca si pentru omleta.
In the end we will add 2 eggs mixed just like the ones for scrambled eggs.

Placinta se va tine in cuptorul preincalzit aproximativ 20 minute, la temperatura medie a cuptorului vostru.
Ar trebui sa arate cam ca si in fotografiile de mai jos

The pie will be kept in the preheated oven for almost 20 minutes. The temperature must be medium for your oven. When is ready the pie should look like the one from the pictures.

Serviti calda sau rece, cu sosuri sau chiar cu mujdei de usturoi.
You can serve the pie hot or cold, with different sauces or even with a garlic sauce.

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