Legume / Vegetables,  Patiserie / Patisserie

Placinta cu varza (Palaneţ cu varza) / Cabbage pie

Cei ce locuiesc in zona Ardealului cunosc foarte bine aceasta reteta. Poate si ceilalti au avut ocazia sa guste in drumul lor prin tara acest preparat delicios.
In familia mea se pregatea destul de des atunci cand traia strabunica. Dupa moartea dumneaei insa nici una dintre noi nu am mai facut. Pana inainte de Craciun cand mi-am adus aminte de Buni si toate retetele minunate pe care ni le pregatea la fiecare sfarsit de saptamana cand o vizitam.
M-am apucat de treaba avand temerea ca nu va iesi atat de buna cum era cea facuta de Buni. Dar am respectat tot ceea ce mi-a spus cand inca eram o copila. Si a iesit atat de buna si pufoasa!
500 ml apa calduta
50 g de drojdie
900 g faina
3 oua
50 g smantana
1 lingurita de zahar brun
4 linguri de ulei

1.5 kg varza proaspata
1 ceapa
4 linguri ulei
cimbru uscat
Those who live in Transylvania area know very well this recipe. Maybe also the others have had the opportunity to taste this delicious dish on their trips through country.
In  my family this recipe was prepared quite often when great grandmother lived. After her death none of us baked it anymore. Before Christmas I remembered the all the good and  wonderful recipes that great grandma prepared us every weekend when we were visiting her. That’s when I decided to prepare it.
I started working with fear that he will not get as good as it was when Buni baked it. But I respected what she told me when I was still a child. And it was so good and fluffy!
500 ml warm water
50 g of yeast
900 g flour
3 eggs
50 g sour cream
1 teaspoon brown sugar
4 tablespoons oil
1.5 kg fresh cabbage
1 onion
4 tablespoons oil
dried thyme

Se taie varza ca pentru salata, chiar mai mare. Daca varza este foarte fibroasa si tare este preferabil sa o taiati cat mai subtire.
Cut the cabbage as you cut it for a salad, even bigger. If the cabbage is very fibrous and hard it is preferable to cut as thin as you can.

Se taie si ceapa si se adauga in vasul in care am pus varza. Apoi adaugam uleiul si punem vasul la foc. Amestecam des deoarece vom cali varza fara a mai adauga apa. Are tendinta de a se prinde de fundul vasului  asa ca trebuie sa fim atenti.
Cut the onion and add it to bowl where you put the cabbage. Then add oil and put the dish on the stove . Stir  cabbage often because it has to temper without adding water. Tends to catch to dish’s bottom so we must be careful.
Nu uitati sa adaugati sarea si piperul proaspat rasnit.
Don’t forget to add the salt and fresh ground pepper.

Intr-un vas mare se pune drojdia faramitata, jumatate din cantitatea de apa calduta, sarea si zaharul. Apoi se cern cca 200 g de faina si se acopera vasul cu un prosop. Se lasa cam 15 minute intr-un loc ferit de frig si curent. In acest timp amestecul va incepe sa dospeasca. Apoi adaugam restul de apa, faina, ouale, smantana si framantam incet. Aluatul se framanta mult mai usor daca adaugam putin ulei si-l incorporam treptat.
Astfel dupa ce am incorporat cele 4 linguri de ulei aluatul va fi pus din nou la dospit pentru inca 15-20 de minute.

In a large bowl put the yeast crumble, half of the amount of warm water, salt and sugar. Then add about 200 g sieved flour and cover bowl with a towel. Allow about 15 minutes in a place away from cold. During this time the mixture will begin to yeast. Then add the remaining water, flour, eggs, cream and knead gently. The  dough will be easier to knead if you add a little oil and incorporate it gradually. So after I incorporated the 4 tablespoons of oil the dough was put in a warm place again for another 15-20 minutes.

Jumatate din aluat se intinde pe masa pudrata cu faina dupa care se transfera cu ajutorul unui sucitor intr-o forma de copt. Peste aluat vom intinde umplutura. Apoi vom pune cealalta bucata de aluat si il crestam cu un cutit pentru a permite umpluturii sa elimine aburul format.
Se pune la copt in cuptorul preincalzit, la temperatura medie. In cazul meu a durat cam 50 de minute.
Placinta se serveste calda sau rece, ca aperitiv sau fel principal.
Half of the dough is tretched on the table dusted with flour then transferred with a rolling pin into a baking form. The filling will be spred over the dough . Then we put the other piece of dough and cut some lines in the middle with a knife to allow the elimination of steam formed by the filling.
Place the dish in the preheated oven at and bake medium temperature. In my case it took about 50 minutes.
Serve the pie warm or cold as an appetizer or main dish.

Bon appétit! 🙂

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