Placinta cu rubarba si capsuni/Rhubarb and strawberries pie
Iata-ne si in prima luna de vara. Dupa o lunga perioada in care ploile si frigul ne-au facut sa nu simtim adevarata frumusete a lunii mai iata ca luna iunie pare ca a venit cu soare si caldura.
Sunt putin dezamagita ca fructele inceputului de vara fie nu s-au copt inca fie sunt stricate de la atata umiditate. Am profitat de fructele pe care le-am gasit pe piata deoarece ciresele bunicii au facut mucegai in pom iar capsunile nu s-au copt đ
Am pregatit o placinta cu rubarba si capsuni absolut delicioasa. Anul trecut am pregatit placinta cu rubarba si banane; acum era momentul si pentru cea cu niste capsuni parfumate.
Here we are in the first month of summer. After a long period in which rain and cold made us not to feel the true beauty of May, the month of June seems to come with sun and heat. I’m a little disappointed that the fruits of the beginning of summer are not ripe yet or are so damaged from moisture and rain. I took advantage of the fruits that I found on the market because the cherry tree from my grandparents have mold and strawberries were not ripe đÂ
I prepared an  absolutely delicious rhubarb and strawberry pie. Last year we prepared rhubarb pie and bananas, now it’s the time for one with some scented strawberries.
Ingrediente blat:
– 2 oua
-100 g zahar pudra
-200 g margarina sau 200 g unt
-faina cat cuprinde (cca 400-450g)
Ingrediente umplutura:
– 3 tulpini rubarba
-150 g capsuni
-50 g unt
-100 g zahar
Ingredients for dough:Â
– 2 eggsÂ
-100 g powdered sugarÂ
-vanilla Â
-200 g margarine or butterÂ
-flour as much as is needed (about 400-450g)Â
Ingredients for filling:Â
– 3 stalks rhubarbÂ
-150 g strawberriesÂ
-50 g butterÂ
-100 g sugar
Amestecam ouale impreuna cu margarina moale, zaharul pudra si vanilia. Apoi adaugam treptat faina pana cand obtinem o coca elastica insa nu prea tare. Eu am avut nevoie de 400g de faina.
Coca obtinuta se inveleste intr-o punga de plastic si se pune la frigider pentru 30-40 de minute.
Mix eggs with soft margarine, powdered sugar and vanilla. Then add the flour until you’ll get an elastic dough but not too hard. I needed about 400g of flour. The obtained dough is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
Tijele de rubarba se curata de primul strat fibros, se spala si se taie in cubulete mici.
Rhubarb will be peeled of the first fibrous layer, washed and cut into small cubes.
Cubuletele de rubarba se pun intr-o tigaie teflonata impreuna cu untul si se soteaza timp de 4-5 minute, la foc mic, amestecand usor. Inainte de a lua tigaia de pe foc se adauga zaharul si se amesteca bine timp de 1-2 minute. Se va forma un sos destul de gros in care bucatelele de rubarba vor ramane intregi.
Rhubarb cubes are put in a teflon pan with butter and tempered for 4-5 minutes over low heat, stirring gently. Before taking the pan off the heat add the sugar and stir well for 1-2 minutes. It will form a quite thick sauce in which the pieces of rhubarb will remain whole.
Coca se pune intr-o forma si se aranjeaza cu mana cat puteti de uniform. Nu va obositi sa o intindeti cu sucitorul pentru ca se va rupe. Dupa ce ati terminat de intins coca intepati-o din loc in loc cu o furculita.
The dough is put in a form and arranged as evenly as you can by hand. Do not bother stretching the dough with the rolling pin because it will tear apart. After you have finished arranging the dough prick it with a fork.
Taiati capsunile si puneti-le peste coca. Apoi se pune rubarba impreuna cu sosul format in tigaie. Daca doriti puteti pune la inceput numai capsunile si bagati placinta in cuptor. Dupa 10 minute scoateti placinta si adaugati rubarba si sosul. Eu am incercat ambele variante si nu e prea mare diferenta.
Placinta va fi gata in 30 de minute daca aveti un cuptor clasic, pe gaz, asa cum am eu. Se serveste calda sau rece, simpla sau cu inghetata de vanilie langa.
Slice strawberries and place them over the dough. Then put rhubarb from the pan with sauceââ. You can put in the beginning only strawberries and put pie in oven. After 10 minutes take it out and add rhubarb and sauce. I tried both variants and there’s not much difference.
Pie will be ready in 30 minutes if you have a traditional oven, with gas, as I have. Serve warm or cold, plain or with vanilla ice cream near it.
Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!