Am tot amanat postarea retetei de placinta cu mere si caramel din diverse motive. Desi azi a fost o zi destul de urata din toate punctele de vedere mi-am facut timp sa pun aceasta reteta simpla dar de efect.
Iata de ce aveti nevoie:
– 200 g faina
– 1 plic zahar vanilat
– 1 ou
– 100 g unt
– 1 kg mere
– 150 g zahar
– scortisoara
– 150 g zahar
– 1 plic zahar vanilat
– 50 g unt
I putt off few times the posting of this recipe for different reasons. Although today it was a ugly day for me (the weather, my mood, the others) I finally found time to post the recipe of Toffee apple pie.
Here’s what you need:
– 200 g flour
– 1 Bourbon Vanilla sugar
– 1 egg
– 100 g butter
– 1 kg apples
– 150 g sugar
– cinnamon
– 150 g sugar
– 1 Bourbon Vanilla sugar
– 50 g butter
Amestecam faina cu untul, vanilia si oul. Coca obtinuta se intinde cu mana intr-o tava rotunda pentru tarta si se inteapa cu furculita.
Merele se spala, se razuiesc pe razatoarea mica si se pun la calit fara grasime/ulei pana cand incep sa se inmoaie. Se iau de pe foc si se adauga zaharul si scortisoara. Se pun in tava peste coca, se aranjeaza. Placinta se da la cuptor pentru 25-30 minute la foc domol.
Se scoate tava si se lasa la racorit. Se prepara caramelul. Se pun zaharul si zaharul vanilat la caramelizat pana cand devin un lichid vascos. Se trage craticioara de pe aragaz si se adauga untul amestecand in continuu.
Se toarna peste tarta cu ajutorul unei linguri.
Atat de simplu si atat de gustos. Mereu am avut impresia ca retetele simple au un farmec aparte. Nici de data asta nu m-am inselat!
We mix the flour with butter, vanilla and the egg. We obtained a dough which will be stretched into a round tray, for tart. The stretched dough will be pricked with the fork.
The apples will be washed, rasped on the little rasp and after that will be tempered but without any oil or fat until they begin to be soft. After the pan was taken off the stove we will add the cinnamon and the sugar. We will put the apples on the dough and we will arrange the pie. We will put the pie into the preheated oven for
25-30 minutes. The fire should be slow to medium.
We get the tray out from the oven and we prepare the toffee. The sugar and the vanilla sugar are put into a pan on the stove. We will obtain a viscous liquid. We will take the pan off the stove and we will put the butter mixing continuously with a spoon. We will pour toffee on the pie with a spoon.
So simple but so delicious! I always thought that the simple recipes have something special.
I wasn’t wrong!
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