Patiserie / Patisserie

Placinta cu leurda si branza de capra/ Wild garlic and goat cheese pie

Nu stiu daca ati gustat vreodata placinta cu branza de capra si leurda. Mie mi-a placut tare mult!
Unde sa mai punem ca se face rapid. In ultima vreme parca totul se reduce la timp. Cine are timp sa-mi dea si mie! 🙂
Dar sa va spun cum sa faceti placinta.
Ingrediente coca:
– 600 g faina (si 100 g pentru pus pe masa)
– 50 g unt
– 300 ml iaurt
– 1 ou
– 1 ou pentru uns (optional)
Ingrediente umplutura:
– leurda (10 frunze)
– 500 g branza de capra nesarata
– 2 oua

I don’t know if you ever tasted goat cheese and wild garlic pie. I loved it! 
And where mention that is baked rapidly. From a while all the things concern time. Who has time to spare please give it to me! 🙂
But let me tell you how to bake that pie. 
Ingredients for dough:
– 600 g flour (and 100 g to spread on the table)
– 50 g butter

– 300 ml yogurt
– 1 egg
– 1 egg for crust (optional)
Ingredients for filling:

– wild garlic (10 leaves)
– 500 g unsalted goat cheese
– 2 eggs

Am pregatit pentru inceput umplutura. Am spalat leurda si am tocat-o marunt dupa care am amestecat-o intr-un castron cu branza si cele doua oua. Amestecul rezultat se pune in frigider cat timp pregatim coca.
First I prepared the filling. I washed the wild garlic and I cut it. I mixed it in a bowl with goat cheese and the two eggs. The filling that resulted was put in the fridge as long as we prepare the dough.

Intr-un bol vom pune iaurtul, oul si untul rece. Se amesteca cu o spatula. Api se adauga treptat faina. Se obtine un aluat elastic. Acesta se pune in frigider 15 minute.
Apoi il scoatem din frigider si il impartim in doua bucati egale. Una dintre ele se intinde pe masa si apoi se pune in tava. Apoi se inteapa cu furculita.
In a bowl we will put the yogurt, the egg and cold butter. We will mix with a spatula. Then we’ll gradually add the flour. We’ll obtain an elastic dough. The dough will be put in the fridge for 15 minutes. 
After that we’ll take it out of the fridge and divide it by two. One of the pieces of dough will be stretched on the table and then put in the tray. Then it will be sting with a fork.

Punem umplutura si o aranjam frumos.
We’ll put the filling and we’ll arrange it.

Se intinde pe masa cea de-a doua bucata de aluat dupa care se pune peste umplutura. Se aranjeaza si se decoreaza dupa cum doriti. Apoi se da cu ou si se baga in cuptorul preincalzit.
Atunci cand placinta e coapta culoarea ei va fi auriu.
The second piece of dough will be also stretched on the table and after that is put on the filling. The dough is arranged and decorated as you wish. Smear it with the egg and put it in the preheated oven. 
When the pie is baked it’s color will be goldish.

Se serveste calda sau rece, cu salata sau simpla.
The pie is served warm or cold, with salad or simple.

Sper sa va placa si voua aceasta placinta! Pofta buna!
I hope that you’ll like this recipe! Bon appetit!

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