Desert / Dessert

Placinta cu dovleac / Pumpkin pie

Toamna se apropie de final. Recunosc faptul ca nu imi place frigul dar abia astept sa vina luna decembrie si Sarbatorile de iarna! 🙂 Iubesc enorm Craciunul cu tot ceea ce inseamna el.
Cum puteam sa marchez mai bine acest sfarsit de toamna decat cu o reteta minunata : placinta cu dovleac. Ne punem sortuletul, ne cautam ingredientele si ne apucam voiosi de treaba! 🙂

Ingrediente blat:
– 100 g unt
– 2 oua
– 2 linguri smantana
– 500 g faina
– vanilie

Ingrediente umplutura:
– 1 dovleac pentru placinta
– 2 oua
– 100 g zahar
– nucsoara
– scortisoara

Soon the autumn will end. I admit that I don’t like cold weather but I can’t wait December and winter holidays! 🙂
 I love Christmas so much and all that it means.
How I could mark this end of autumn in my calendar better than with a wonderful recipe: pumpkin pie. We put our kitchen aprons, we look for our ingredients and with joy we get to work ! 🙂
Ingredients for dough:
– 100 g butter
– 2 eggs
– 2 tablespoons of fresh cream
– 500 g flour
– vanilla
Ingredients for filling:
– 1 pumpkin (for pie)
– 2 eggs
– 100 g sugar
– nutmeg
– cinnamon

Se taie dovleacul si se curata de samburi.

We cut the pumpkin and we take out the seeds.

Se coace in cuptor la temperatura medie pana cand miezul devine moale. Miezul se va scoate cu o lingura, se va pune intr-un castron si se lasa la racit.
We put the pumpkin into the oven, at medium temperature and we cook it until the pulp will become soft. The pulp will be taken with a tablespoon, put into a bowl and left to cool off.

Miezul se marunteste cu ajutorul unui blender.

The pulp will be minced with a blender.

Pulpa se va amesteca impreuna cu zaharul, ouale, nucsoara si scortisoara.

The pulp will be mixed with the sugar, eggs, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Se prepara blatul. Untul va trebui sa fie lasat la temperatura camerei cateva minute pentru a se putea amesteca mai bine.

We’ll prepare the dough. Butter has to be left at room’s temperature for few minutes in order to be mixed better with the other ingredients.

Coca obtinuta se va pune la frigider 10 minute dupa care se intinde cu mana in tava.

The dough will be put in the fridge for 10 minutes and after it will be stretched in the tray with the hand.

Se inteapa din loc in loc cu o furculita.

The dough will be pricked with a fork here and there.

Adaugam umplutura si punem tava in cuptorul preincalzit. Eu am lasat-o la temperatura medie timp de 25-30 minute. Deoarece cuptoarele coc foarte diferit in functie de marca sau sursa de energie folosita, este mai bine sa verificati voi cand este coapta placinta, bazandu-va decat pentru orientare pe timpul dat de mine.

We’ll add the filling and we put the tray into the preheated oven. I left it there for almost 25-30 minutes. Because the ovens bake so different (differences given by brands or the source of energy used), is better that you check when the pie is baked, taking the time that I gave you here as an orientation.

Taiati placinta frumos, o aranjati cum doriti si o serviti savurand aromele ultimelor zile insorite de toamna :).

You cut the pie nicely, you arrange the pieces and you serve it savoring the flavors of the last sunny days of autumn :).

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