
Pizza cu sunculita si branza nesarata de capra/ Pizza with bacon and unsalted goat cheese

M-am hotarat ca temporar retetele mele sa fie publicate in romana si engleza. Probabil ca va intrebati de ce am luat aceasta hotarare.
Ei bine, am primit cereri din partea mai multor vizitatori ca retetele sa fie si in engleza. Intr-adevar romana nu e cea mai usoara limba! 🙂 Pana cand va fi gata si un al doilea blog integral in limba engleza voi posta aici ambele variante.

Ingrediente pentru aluat (pentru 3 pizza cu diametrul de 30 cm)

– 300 ml apa
– 500 g faina
– 7 g drojdie uscata sau 25 g drojdie proaspata (1 cub)
– 50 g unt
– sare
– 1 lingurita de zahar


– 3 ardei tocati marunt
– 3 cepe mari, taiate in rondele
– 3 rosii taiate in cubulete
– 600 g sunca afumata
– 500 g branza de capra nesarata (se poate folosi si alt tip de branza nesarata cum ar fi mozzarella)
– 200 g masline fara samburi
– 6 oua (cate 2 pentru fiecare pizza)
– oregano

Pentru prepararea aluatului am folosit masina de paine pe care am programat-o la programul special “Dough”. Daca nu aveti masina de paine puteti sa faceti aluatul intr-un recipient de dimensiuni mari. Se incalzeste putin apa, se pune untul si drojdia dupa care se adauga jumatate din cantitatea de faina si zaharul. Se lasa la dospit pana isi dubleaza volumul. Apoi se amesteca si restul de faina cu acea compozitie. Aceasta se imparte in trei si se intinde in tava speciala de pizza cu mana uda pentru a nu se lipi.
Se pun celelalte ingrediente dupa care se adauga cate 2 oua amestecate cu branza sfaramata pe fiecare pizza.
Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit pana capata o culoare aurie. In cazul in care considerati ca nu va puteti da seama daca blatul este copt, incercati cu o scobitoare. Daca pe aceasta nu mai ramane aluat atunci pizza este coapta.
Iata si pizza mea!

I decided to publish my recipes in Romanian and English temporary. Maybe you wonder why I made this choice. Well, I received requests from my visitors to put the recipes also in English. Indeed, Romanian is not the easiest language! 🙂 Until I will finish a second blog, entirely in English, I will post here the recipes in both languages.
Ingredients for dough (for 3 pizzas with the diameter of 30 cm)
– 300 ml of water
– 500 g white flour
– 7 g dry active yeast or 25 g fresh yeast
– 50 g of butter
– salt
– 1 teaspoon of sugar
Ingredients (for top)
– 3 bell peppers finely chopped
– 3 big onions cut into rondos
– 3 tomatoes cut into small cubes
– 600 g of bacon cut in small pieces
– 500 g unsalted goat cheese (it can be used also a other unsalted cheese or mozzarella )
– 200 g seedless olives
– 6 eggs (by twos for each pizza)
– oregano
I used the bread machine to make the dough for pizza. If you don’t have a bread machine you can do the dough in the old way, in a big bowl. The water must be warm. In the water we have to add the butter, the yeast, the sugar and half of the quantity of flour. The composition must be let to yeast until it doubles the initial volume. After that you will have to add the rest of flour and to divide the dough into three. The dough is spread on the pizza tray with your hands wet (to prevent the sticking of the dough). 
Top with all the ingredients and finally with the two eggs mixed with goat cheese.
Pizza is baked in the preheated oven until it has a nice golden color. If you consider that you can’t appreciate if the dough is baked you can use a  fork or a stick to check it.
So, here is my pizza!

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