Desi mai e putin pana cand incepe ziua de 1 decembrie m-am decis sa deschid seria de retete din Targul de Sarbatori pentru a va face o mica surpriza.
De ce am ales piftiile? Este foarte simplu. Maine fiind 1 decembrie, Ziua Nationala a Romaniei, am ales o reteta foarte populara la romani.
Sunt convinsa ca toate gospodinele si toti domnii care gatesc stiu sa faca piftii. Nu am sa va invat nimic nou ci am sa va povestesc despre piftiile mele, asa cum stiu eu sa le fac.
– ciolan afumat de cca 1 kg
– 1 kg urechi de porc afumate
– 6 l apa
– foi de dafin
– piper
– 10 catei de usturoi
Although we still have a little time left until 1st of December I will start my series of recipes from Holiday Market with aspic (in Romanian piftii), as a little surprise.
Why did I choose aspic? It’s very simple. Because tomorrow is 1st of December, Romania’s National Day, I wanted to choose a very popular dish among the Romanians.
I’m sure that all the ladies and all gentlemen who cook know by now how to prepare aspic. I won’t teach you anything new but I will tell you about my piftii, as I know to prepare them.
– smoked pork leg weighting1kg
– 1kg of smoked pork ears
– 6l of water
– bay leaves
– pepper
– 10 cloves of garlic
Spalam si taiem ciolanul si urechile. Se pun intr-o oala si se adauga apa. Se fierb la foc potrivit cca 2 ore.
Apa din oala va scadea ramanand in final 2l-2.5l. Nu se mai adauga apa in timpul fierberii deoarece zeama se va dilua si nu se va mai gelifia atunci cand se raceste.
Se va supraveghea oala deoarece deoarece carnea se poate lipi atunci cand apa va scadea.
We wash and we cut the ears and pork leg. We put them into a pot and we add the water. We boil them at medium temperature for almost 2 hours. In the end we will have only 2 – 2.5l of water. We won’t add water when we boil the meat because the liquid will be diluted and the aspic will not curdle when gets cold.
We also have to supervise the pot because the meat has the tendency to stick when the water is low.
Dupa ce a fiert carnea, aceasta se scoate cu o paleta. Ea se va aseza in castroanele sau formele unde se vor forma piftiile.
Zeama ramasa in oala se pune intr-un loc rece pentru a se inchega. Peste cateva ore (chiar si peste noapte se poate lasa) se degreseaza cu ajutorul unei linguri.
Apoi se incalzeste din nou, se adauga foile de dafin, piperul si usturoiul pisat. Se mai da intr-un clocot si apoi se pune in formele sau castroanele in care am pus bucatile de carne. Formele in care am pus piftiile se vor pune intr-un loc rece. Atentie, nu trebuie sa inghete.
Se lasa de pe o zi pe alta si apoi se servesc.
After the meat is boiled, we will take it out with a spatula. Meat will be put in bowls or forms that will be used to give a shape to the aspic.
The meat stock in the pot will be put in a cold place to curdle. After few hours (it can be left even over the night) we will degrease it with a tablespoon.
After, we will put the pot on the stove and we warm the meat stock, we’ll add bay leaves, pepper and minced garlic. We will boil the meat stock 4-5 minutes. With a ladle we will put meat stock in each bowl or form in which we put meat. All the bowls or forms with aspic will be put in a cold place. Pay attention, the aspic shouldn’t freeze.
The aspic will be ready to be served the next day.
Acum am deschis Targul. Urmatoarea reteta va veni maine!
Now the Market is open. The next recipe will come tomorrow!