Desert / Dessert

Piersici caramelizate cu sos de sampanie/Caramelized peaches with champagne sauce

Sunt convinsa ca stiti veveritele si harciogii din desene animate care strang alune si nuci la nesfarsit. Si eu le stiu. Aproape ca simt uneori ca ne asemanam pe undeva. In atitudine šŸ™‚
Nu stiu altii cum sunt dar eu cand vad o multime de fructe in piata si supermarket dau iama precum bietele animalute si pun in cos in nestire. Nu conteaza ca-s mere, pere, prune, struguri sau piersici. Asa ajunge bietul frigider sa geama de fiecare data. Si parca niciodata nu-s suficiente. In marea majoritate a cazurilor nu ne putem comporta ca si veveritele sau harciogii si sa mestecam concomitent in ambele parti ale maxilarului, zi si noapte, iar fructele raman prin frigider. Asa s-a intamplat si cu piersicile despre care o sa va povestesc.
I’m sure you know the hamsters and squirrels from cartoons that always gather peanuts and nuts. I know them too. I almost feel like we’re alike somewhere. In attitude šŸ™‚
I do not know how the others are but I when I see a lot of fruits in the market and supermarket I am just like the little poor animals in the cartoons and I put to my cart unconsciously. Never mind that are apples, pears, plums, grapes or peaches. So the poor fridge moans every time. And they never seem to be enough. In most cases we can not behave like squirrels or hamsters and chew simultaneously on both sides of the jaw, day and night, and fruits remain in the refrigerator. This is what happened with peaches from this story.

– 6-7 piersici
-100 g unt
-3-4 linguri zahar brun
Ingrediente sos:
-200 ml sampanie
-3 galbenusuri
-50 g unt
-2 linguri lapte condensat
-50 g zahar pudra
– 6-7 peaches
-100 g butter
-3-4 tablespoons brown sugar
Sauce ingredients:
-200 ml champagneĀ 
-3 yolks
-50 g butter
-2 tablespoons of condensed milk
-50 g powdered sugar

Piersicile se spala si se oparesc in apa clocotita pentru a indeparta puful de pe ele. Daca aveti piersici care au putin puf sau nu va deranjeaza, treceti pur si simplu peste aceasta etapa. Dupa ce s-au racit indepartati samburele si taiati-le in patru.
Wash peaches and scald them in boiling water to remove the fuzz. If you have a littleĀ fuzz onĀ peach or you don’t mind, just skip over this step. After they cooled off remove the pit and cut them in four.

Cat timp piersicile se racesc putem prepara sosul. Ne pregatim mai intai ingredientele. Apoi punem galbenusurile intr-o craticioara si le amestecam bine cu zaharul pudra cu ajutorul unui tel. Cand amestecul devine de un galben pal se adauga sampania si se amesteca bine cu telul. Craticioara se pune la foc mic si se amesteca in continuu.
Peaches will be left to cool off while we’ll prepare the sauce. We first prepare our ingredients. Then put the yolks in a saucepan and mix them well with powdered sugar with a whisk. When the mixture becomes pale yellow add champagne and stir well with whisk. Put saucepan over low heat and stir continuously.

Dupa 10-15 minute sosul devine vascos. E momentul in care vom lua deoparte craticioara.
Sosul nu se va ingrosa asa cum ne-am astepta, precum o budinca. Va fi putin mai lichid. Il lasam sa se racoreasca vreo 5-6 minute dupa care adaugam laptele condensat, vanilia si untul. Se amesteca energic si-l lasam sa se raceasca. Apoi se pune craticioara acoperita cu un capac in frigider pana la servire.
After 10-15 minutes the sauce becomes viscous. That’s when we take aside the saucepan.
Sauce will not thicken as we would expect, like a pudding. It will be a little more liquid. Leave it to cool off 5-6 minutes then add the condensed milk, vanilla and butter. Mix vigorously and let it cool. Then place the saucepan covered with a lid in the refrigerator until serving.

Apoi se pregatesc piersicile caramelizate (da, s-au racit ca sa le incalzim noi din nou :)) glumim, dar sunt mai ferme reci!).Topim untul intr-o tigaie.
Then we’ll prepare the caramelized peaches (yeah, they cooled off just to warm them again :)) just kidding, but they are much stiffer cold!). We’ll melt the butter in a pan.

Se intorc pe toate partile pentru a se patrunde uniform.
They will be turned on all sides just to be parched evenly.

Adaugati apoi zaharul brun si vanilia si amestecati 2-3 minute pana cand se vor carameliza. Serviti piersicile calde sau reci – noi am incercat ambele variante. Preferam sa servim piersicile caldute si sosul rece.
Add brown sugar and vanilla and stir 2-3 minutes until they’ll caramelize. Serve the peaches warm or cold – we tried bothĀ variants. We prefer to serve the peaches warm and the sauce cold.

BonĀ appĆ©tit!

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