Carne de pui / Chicken

Piept de curcan in sos Brie / Turkey breast in Brie sauce

Titlul retetei suna asa de pompos! In realitate este o mancare delicioasa si usor de gatit.
Ati gasit reteta perfecta in cazul in care vreti ceva cu un gust deosebit si care sa se gateasca fara a avea de stat prea mult timp pe langa oala.

– 1 kg piept de curcan
– 250 g branza Brie
– 1 kg ciuperci Champignon brune
– ierburi de Provence
– piper mozaic
– foi de dafin
– 50 ml de lapte
– 2 linguri amidon

This recipe’s title sounds so pompous! In reality it’s just a delicious and easy to cook dish. 
You found the perfect recipe if you want something with a remarkable taste and which is cooked without staying too much time near the pot.
– 1 kg turkey breast
– 250 g Brie cheese
– 1 kg brown Champignon
– Provence herbs
– mosaic pepper
– bay leaves
– 50 ml milk
– 2 tablespoons of cornstarch  

Se taie pieptul de curcan in bucatele potrivite si se pun intr-o oala cu apa, sare si ierburile de Provence.  Oala se pune la fiert.

We cut the turkey breast in medium pieces and we put them into a pot with water, salt and Provence herbs. The pot will be put on the stove.

Se curata, se spala si se taie ciupercile. Ele se pun in oala atunci cand carnea este aproape fiarta.

We peel off, wash and cut the mushrooms. They will be put in the pot when the meat is almost boiled.

Cand carnea si ciupercile sunt fierte se adauga foile de dafin si branza taiata in bucati mari. Nu se curata coaja; aceasta va da un gust deosebit sosului.
Branza se topeste in apa fierbinte. Se adauga amidonul amestecat in prealabil cu laptele. Se amesteca energic pentru ca sosul sa devina omogen.
Sosul cu piept de curcan este gata de servire!

When the meat and mushrooms are boiled, we’ll add the bay leaves and the cheese cut in big slices. We won’t cut the crust; it will give a special taste to our sauce.
The cheese will be melted in the boiled water. We will add the cornstarch mixed with milk in the sauce. We will mix fast because we want to homogenize the sauce.
Our sauce with turkey breast is ready to be served!

Punem piper proaspat rasnit sau boabe si servim cald, alaturi de o bagheta crocanta.
We put fresh grinded pepper or peppercorns and we serve it warm, with a crunchy baguette near.

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