Pastrav cu salsa de legume/Trout with vegetables salsa
In asteptarea primaverii care nu mai da nici un semn ca va veni curand, eu mi-am propus sa renunt la mancarea grea pe care o gatim in timpul iernii si sa fac o trecere catre alimentatia de primavara-vara.
Am pregatit pastrav cu salsa de legume.
In anticipation of spring which gives no sign that it will come soon, I have decided to give up the heavy food that we cook in the winter and make a transition to spring-summer diet.
I prepared trout with vegetables salsa.
Ingrediente peste la folie:
-felii de lamaie
Ingrediente salsa:
-o jumatate de ardei rosu
-o jumatate de ardei galben
-o jumatate de ardei verde
-1 tomata kumato
-100 g creveti decorticati (am folosit din cei fierti si congelati)
-o jumatate de castravete
-sucul unei jumatati de lamaie
-2 linguri de smantana fermentata 12% grasime
-piper mozaic macinat
-seminte de pin
Ingredients fish:
-slice of lemon
Salsa ingredients:
-half a red pepper
-half a yellow pepper
-half a green pepper
-1 kumato tomato
-100 g peeled shrimps (I used boiled and freezed shrimps)
-half a cucumber
-juice of half a lemon
-2 tablespoons sour cream 12% fat
-mosaic-ground pepper
Noi am cumparat peste proaspat pescuit de la crescatorie si l-am curatat bine acasa. Am taiat capetele pestilor si i-am umplut pe fiecare in parte cu felii de lamaie si i-am presarat cu putina sare si enibahar. Apoi i-am infasurat individual in folie de aluminiu si i-am asezat intr-o tava. Am adaugat cam 200 ml de apa in tava dupa care am bagat-o in cuptorul preincalzit. Pestii au fost gata in circa 20-25 de minute (cuptorul a fost fixat la o temperatura medie).
We bought fresh fish from a farm and I thoroughly cleaned them home. I cut fishes’ heads and I filled each one with slices of lemon and I sprinkled them with salt and allspice. Then I individually wrapped them in aluminum foil and I put them in a tray. I added about 200 ml of water in the tray and then I put it in the preheated oven. Fish were ready in about 20-25 minutes (oven was set at a medium temperature).
Legumele se taie cubulete si se pun intr-un bol dupa care se amesteca. Apoi se adauga crevetii, condimentele, zeama de lamaie si smantana. Se amesteca bine, se acopera vasul si se pune in frigider pentru doua ore.
Semintele de pin se prajesc intr-o tigaie cu strat antiaderent pana devin aurii.
Pestele se serveste alaturi de salsa peste care am presarat seminte de pin si neaparat acompaniat de vin alb.
Cut vegetables into cubes and place them in a bowl and mix. Then add shrimp, spices, lemon juice and cream. Stir well, cover the dish and place it in the refrigerator for two hours.
Pine seeds will be toasted in a fry pan with non-stick layer until they get a golden brown color.
The fish is served with salsa sprinkled with pine seeds and accompanied by white wine.