Desert / Dessert

Pasca cu urda dulce/Pasca with soft cottage cheese

V-am spus ca inca nu am terminat cu retetele de la Paste! Nu mai am multe.
Cum pentru mine pasca este nelipsita de pe masa de Paste, nici anul acesta nu puteam sa sar peste prepararea ei. Si daca are si multa urda, multe stafide si vanilie chiar ca sunt fericita!

De ce aveti nevoie ca sa faceti doua pasti (diametru 26 cm).
– 1 kg faina
– 25 g drojdie proaspata
– 4 oua
– 500 ml lapte
– 250 g zahar brun
– vanilie
– 100 g unt
– 100 ml ulei

– 1 kg urda
– 4 oua
– 300 g stafide
– 100 ml lichior de cirese (visinata)
– 150 g zahar brun
– vanilie

I told you that I didn’t finish the Easter recipes! I don’t have so many.
For me pasca is a a must on my Easter table. This year makes no exception and I couldn’t skip pasca’s baking. And if it has a lot of sweet soft cottage cheese, a lot of raisins and vanilla then I’m very pleased!
Here’s what you need to bake 2 pasca.
– 1 kg flour
– 25 g bakers yeast
– 4 eggs
– 500 ml milk
– 250 g brown sugar
– vanilla
– 100 g butter
– 100 ml sunflower oil
– 1 kg soft cottage cheese
– 4 eggs
– 300 g raisins
– 100 ml cherry liqueur
– 150 g brown sugar
– vanilla

Am preparat pentru inceput umplutura. Stafidele au fost lasate sa se hidrateze cateva ore in lichior si putina apa minerala.
Urda am pus-o intr-un bol. Am adaugat zaharul, vanilia, ouale si stafidele hidratate. Am amestecat compozitia si am pus-o in frigider. Aromele se vor imbina mult mai bine decat daca am prepara umplutura inainte de a baga pasca in cuptor.
In the beginning I prepared the filling. The raisins were left to hydrate few hours in liqueur and some sparkling water. 
I put the soft cottage cheese into a bowl. I added sugar, vanilla, eggs and hydrated raisins. I mixed the composition and I put it in the fridge. The flavors mixed better this way.

Am pus intr-un vas mare jumatate din cantitatea de faina. Am format o gaura in faina si am pus zaharul, vanilia si drojdia sfaramata.
I put in a big recipient half of  the quantity of flour. I formed a hole in flour and I added sugar, vanilla and spread bakers yeast.

Am adaugat apoi  in gaura formata in faina100 ml lapte caldut (la aproximativ 30 grade C). Atentie! Laptele fierbinte distruge drojdia. Am acoperit cu faina si am asteptat 15 minute pana cand compozitia a inceput sa dospeasca. Am adaugat apoi restul de faina si laptele. Am framantat putin pentru omogenizare.
I added 100 ml of warm milk in the hole that I formed in flour  (it had approximatively 30 C degrees). Attention! Hot milk will destroy yeast!
I covered it with flour and I waited 15 minutes until the composition begun to yeast. After that I added the rest of the flour and milk. I kneaded a little bit to homogenize the composition.

Am batut ouale si am adaugat untul topit si racit si uleiul. Am omogenizat. Am framantat apoi coca punand treptat din vasul cu oua amestecate cu grasime (am pus de 5-6 ori). Dupa ce amestecam si framantam bine (mie mi-a luat cam 10 minute operatiunea) lasam coca la dospit intr-un loc caldut pana isi dubleaza volumul.
I mixed the eggs and I added melted and cooled butter and sunflower oil. I homogenized. After that I kneaded the dough gradually putting from eggs and grease composition (I added 5-6 times). After we mix and we knead well (it took about 10 minutes) we leave the dough to yeast in a warm place until it doubles the volume. 

Cand coca a dospit o impartim in doua. Se pune cate o bucata pe masa unsa cu putin ulei si se modeleaza.
When the dough yeasted we divide by two. We’ll put one piece on the table (on which we put some oil) and we’ll modeling it.

Coca se pune in forma. Apoi in centru punem umplutura si facem impletitura si cruce. Daca doriti puteti sa o ungeti cu un pic de ou amestecat cu 2 linguri cu lapte.  Apoi se baga in cuptorul preincalzit si se coace la temperatura medie. Veti sti cand e gata. Va avea o frumoasa culoare aurie.
The dough will be put in a baking form. In the center we’ll put the filling and we’ll make the the knitting and the cross. If you want you can put some egg mixed with two tablespoons with a brush on the dough. Put the form in the preheated oven and bake it at medium temperature. You’ll know when it’s ready. It will have a nice goldish color.

A fost tare gustoasa si parfumata. Abia astept sa o fac din nou anul viitor!
It was very tasty and flavored. I can’t wait to bake it again next year!

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