
Painici cu ceapa si cas/Onion and cheese rolls

Fiind primul articol din anul 2014 vreau sa incep prin a va ura multa sanatate, fericire si noroc. Sper ca acest an sa fie mai bun si mai linistit decat cel ce a trecut.
Am decis sa imi incep activitatea pe blog dupa o lunga absenta datorata unor factori ce nu au depins de mine cu o reteta de painici cu ceapa si cas. Nu dureaza prea mult sa le faceti, asa ca sunt perfecte pentru un mic dejun in familie. Eu le-am facut pentru weekendul trecut.
Being the first article in 2014 I want to begin by wishing you health, happiness and luck. I hope this year will be better and more peaceful than the one that passed.
I decided to start work on the blog after a long absence due to factors that weren’t up to me with a bread recipe with onion and cheese. It will not take too much time to bake them, so they are perfect for a family breakfast. I’ve done them last weekend.

– 8-900 g faina
– 400 ml apa
– 50 g drojdie
– 1 lingurita de zahar
– sare
– 1-2 cepe
– 100 g cas
– ierburi aromatice
– 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline
– 8-900 g flour
– 400 ml of water
– 50 g fresh yeast
– 1 teaspoon of sugar
– salt
– 1-2 onions
– 100 g cheese
– aromatic herbs
– 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil

Drojdia se marunteste si se pune intr-un vas impreuna cu sarea si zaharul.
The yeast was chipped in small pieces and was put in a bowl with salt and sugar.  

Apoi se adauga apa calduta (atentie – nu fiarta, deoarece drojdia va fi inactivata).
Then add warm water (pay attention, don’t boil the water because the yeast will be inactivated).

Se cern 150-200 g de faina in bol dupa care se acopera cu un prosop.
Sift 150-200 g flour in the bowl and then cover with a towel.

Cand faina a “crapat” inseamna ca drojdia a inceput a-si faca treaba. Adaugam restul de faina, fara a uita a pastram si pentru a pudra masa de lucru. Amestecam usor pentru a omogeniza si apoi acoperim din nou bolul cu prosop si lasam aluatul sa dospeasca.
When flour has “cracked” means the yeast has started to do its thing. Add the remaining flour, without forgetting to keep some to powder the work table. Stir gently to blend, then cover bowl with towel again and let it rise.

Cand coca si-a dublat volumul este momentul sa ne pregatim celelalte ingrediente si spatiul de lucru.
When dough has doubled the volume is the time to prepare the other ingredients and work space.

Razuiti casul si taiati ceapa, nu foarte marunt. Apoi intindeti aluatul pe masa si decupati cu forma rotunda cateva bucati. Bucatile de aluat se pun intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt.
Scrape the cheese and cut onion, not very finely. Then spread the dough on the table and cut a few round shape pieces. The pieces are placed in a tray covered with baking paper.

Pe fiecare bucata de coca se pun cateva picaturi de ulei de masline, cas si ceapa. Deasupra am presarat ierburi aromatice uscate. Am copt painicile la 180 de grade Celsius, cu ventilatie, timp de aproximativ 20 de minute.
On each piece of dough I put a few drops of olive oil, cheese and onion. Above, I sprinkled dried herbs. I baked the rolls at 180 Celsius degrees, with ventilation, for almost 20 minutes.

Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!

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