O felie de paine / One loaf of bread
Sa va explic. In urma cu o saptamana discutam cu sora mea, proaspata mamica a unui baietel de 5 luni, despre felia de paine pe care voia sa o doneze. Nu am inteles la inceput. Apoi mi-a explicat ca da o felie din painea pe care tocmai o cumparase cuiva care are nevoie.
Compania Vel Pitar doneaza o felie de paine pentru fiecare cod pe care noi il introducem pe www.imparte.ro. Codul este inscriptionat pe partea laterala a fiecarui pachet de paine din gama French Toast.
Putem sa alegem chiar si cazul pentru care dorim sa donam.
Am ramas impresionata de faptul ca aceasta companie s-a implicat intr-o asemenea actiune caritabila.
Realitatea este ca painea este unica hrana a multor oameni iar pentru altii ea reprezinta chiar un lux. Este trist ca se intampla asa ceva cand in aceasta lume exista atata risipa!
Cum as putea sa ignor un asemenea gest si sa nu-i aplaud pe cei de la Vel Pitar? Bravo, domnilor! Dumneavoastra sunteti un exemplu pentru mediul de afaceri din Romania! Mi-as dori sa vad mai des asemenea campanii.
Azi am pus si eu umarul pentru a-i ajuta pe cei nevoiasi. Am cumparat o paine si am introdus codul de pe pachet. Am sa va rog sa faceti si voi la fel atunci cand cumparati o paine din gama French Toast. Nu dureaza mult!
Si ca sa va dau un motiv in plus sa cumparati produsele din gama French Toast am sa ma folosesc de ceea ce fac eu mai bine: am sa va dau o reteta delicioasa de aperitiv cald.
Avem nevoie de:
– 9 felii de French Toast de secara
– 2 carnati din carne de oaie (sau de care doriti)
– 3 fire de ceapa verde
– 4 oua
– 1 legatura de patrunjel
– 1 ardei gras
– 5-6 linguri de lapte
– piper
– sare
– putina branza (optional)
No, it’s not a mistake. One loaf of bread – for some people is nothing, for others is everything.
Let me explain. Last week I was talking with my sister, mother of a five months little boy, about the loaf of bread that she wanted to donate. In the beginning I didn’t understood. After that she explained me that she gives one loaf of the bread that she just had bought to someone who needed.
A local company Vel Pitar donates a loaf of bread for each code that we introduce on www.imparte.ro.
The code is written on one side of each pack of French Toast. We can even choose the case for which we want to donate.
I was impressed by the fact that this company is involved in such a charity campaign.
The reality is that the bread is the only food of many people and for others it represents a luxury product. It’s sad that this happens when in this world is such a waste of food!
How I could ignore such a gesture and not to applaud the people from Vel Pitar? Well done, gentlemen!
You are an example for business medium in Romania! I would like to see more often campaigns like this!
I helped a bit myself. I bought a bread and I introduced the code. I would like to ask you kindly to do the same thing if you buy French Toast. It won’t take long!
To give you one more reason to buy the products from French Toast line I will use what I know the best: I’ll give you a delicious recipe of warm appetizer.
We’ll need:
– 9 loafs of rye French Toast
– 2 sausages made of mutton meat (or what kind of meat do you want)
– 3 pieces of green onion
– 4 eggs
– 1 bunch of parsley
– 1 bell pepper
– 5-6 tablespoons of milk
– pepper
– salt
– some cheese (optional)
Am pregatit painea pe care am taiat-o in asa fel incat sa incapa cat mai bine in vas.
I prepared the toasted which was cut so that could fit the recipient.
Am spalat si am curatat legumele.
I washed and I peeled the vegetables.
Intr-un bol incapator am batut cele patru oua impreuna cu piperul si sarea.
In a large bowl I beaten the four eggs with pepper and salt.
Am folosit doua vase din ceramica pe care le-am pudrat cu putina faina.
I used two ceramic recipients which were powdered with some flour.
Am aranjat feliile frumos in vase dupa care am pus in fiecare jumatate din cantitatea de umplutura.
I arranged the loafs nice into the recipients and I put in each of them half of the quantity of filling.
Am pus si feliile deasupra umpluturii. Apoi am picurat cu ajutorul unei linguri lapte pe fiecare felie. Astfel ele vor ramane fragede in interior si usor crocante la exterior.
Am bagat vasele in cuptorul preincalzit. L-am fixat la temperatura medie si am lasat vasele cam 15-20 de minute.
Cand am scos vasele din cuptor am presarat putin branza deasupra pe felii.
I put also the loafs on the top of the filling. After that, I dropped some milk with a tablespoon on each loaf. They will remain soft inside and will have a crunchy crust.
I put the recipients in the preheated oven. I put it at a medium temperature and I left the recipients in it for 15-20 minutes.
When I took the recipient out of the oven I spread some cheese on the loafs.
Sper ca am reusit sa va conving sa donati la randul vostru o felie de paine. Daca vreti sa donati altceva (bani, obiecte, sange) sau sa va implicati in campanie, va invit sa vizitati siteul www.imparte.ro pentru mai multe detalii.
I hope I managed to convince you to donate a loaf of bread as well. If you want to donate something else (money, objects, blood) or to involve in the campaign, I invite you to visit www.imparte.ro for more details.