Reteta de azi este un dar de Craciun pentru
Pica Flori. Ideea daruirii unei retete cu un ingredient preferat a fost a
Furnicutzei Boscodine si mi-a placut tare mult.
Am ales o reteta de minitort cu portocale si frisca. Frisca este unul din ingredientele preferate ale lui Flori dar si al meu.
Ingrediente blat:
– 6 oua
– 6 linguri zahar
– coaja de portocala confiata
– 7 linguri faina
– 30 g unt
– 10 g praf de copt
– esenta de migdale
Ingrediente crema:
– 2 portocale
– 2 linguri amidon
– 4 linguri zahar
– coaja de portocala confiata
– 50 g unt
Ingrediente sirop:
– 50 ml rom alb
– 100 ml apa
– coaja rasa de portocala
– 2 linguri zahar
Ingrediente frisca:
– 250 g smantana dulce
– 100 g zahar pudra
Today’s recipe is a Christmas gift for Pica Flori. The idea of giving a recipe to someone as a Christmas gift belongs to Furnicutza Boscodina and I liked it very much.
I chose a recipe of a minicake with orange and whipped cream. Whipped cream is one of Flori’s favorite ingredients, and mine also.
Ingredients for sponge cake:
– 6 eggs
– 6 tablespoons of sugar
– candied orange peel
– 7 tablespoons of flour
– 30 g butter
– 10 g baking powder
– almond essence
Ingredients for filling:
– 2oranges
– 2 tablespoons of starch
– 4 tablespoons sugar
– candied orange peel
– 50 g butter
Ingredients for syrup:
– 50 ml white rum
– 100 ml water
– candied orange peel
– 2 tablespoons sugar
Ingredients for whipped cream:
– 250 g whipping cream
– 100 g powdered sugar
Se separa albusurile de galbenusuri. Albusurile se mixeaza impreuna cu zaharul. Apoi adaugam coaja de portocala, esenta de migdale si untul si se mixeaza.
We separate the egg whites and egg yolks. Egg whites will be mixed with the sugar. After that we add the candied orange peel, almond essence and the butter and we mix
Adaugam galbenusurile si mixam.
We put the egg yolks and we mix well.
Se pune faina si se mixeaza. Se toarna compozitia intr-o forma tapetata cu faina si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Se coace la temperatura medie si se incearca daca este copt cu o scobitoare.
We’ll add the flour and we mix. The composition will be put into a mold that was powdered with flour and put in the preheated oven. Sponge cake will be baked at medium temperature and is ready when the stick is dry (doesn’t have any semi liquid composition on it).
Intre timp preparam frisca. Smantana lichida se mixeaza impreuna cu zaharul pudra 10-15 minute. Aceasta nu isi va mari volumul atat de mult ca si cea vegetala (de 4 ori) ci numai de cca 2 ori. Gustul insa este minunat.
Meanwhile we’ll prepare the whipped cream. Whipping cream will be mixed with the powdered sugar for 10-15 minutes. It will not have the same volume as the vegetable one (4 times the volume of the whipping cream), only twice the volume of whipping cream. Instead taste is wonderful.
Apoi se prepara crema. Cele doua portocale se vor stoarce. Sucul si pulpa provenite de la aceste se pun intr-o craticioara impreuna cu ouale, zaharul si coaja de portocala confiata. Se amesteca bine si se pune la incalzit. Crema se va amesteca in continuu. Cand compozitia devine de consistenta smantanei se va adauga amidonul amestecand bine. Se pune din nou la incalzit amestecandu-se incet. Cand crema s-a ingrosat se trage de pe foc si se adauga untul si se amesteca pana la omogenizare.
Then we’ll prepare the orange cream. The zest from the two oranges will be put into a pan with eggs, sugar and candied orange peel. We mix well with a spatula and we put the pan on the stove. The cream will be mixed continuously. When the composition becomes like a whipping cream we will add the starch and we mix well with the spatula. We put the pan back on the stove and we mix slowly. When the cream got thicker we take the pan away and we’ll add the butter, mixing slowly to homogenize.
Se prepara siropul din coaja de portocala, zahar, rom si apa calduta. Apoi se taie blatul si se insiropeaza prima bucata. A doua se va insiropa dupa ce se pune crema.
Tortul se va inveli in frisca. Pentru decor am folosit coaja de portocala confiata.
Daca doriti ca tortul sa fie mai mare dublati cantitatile (pentru un tort cu diametrul de 26 de cm).
We’ll prepare the syrup. We put the orange peel, sugar, rum and warm water and we mix with a spoon. We cut the sponge cake and we put syrup on the first piece of sponge cake. The rest of the syrup will be put on each piece of sponge cake after we fill the cake with orange cream.
The cake will be covered in whipped cream and decorated with candied orange peel.
If you want a bigger cake you can double the quantities (for a 26 cm diameter cake).
Sper ca iti va placea cadoul meu, draga Flori! Craciun Fericit! 🙂
I hope you’ll like my present, dear Flori! Merry Christmas! 🙂