Desert / Dessert

Minitort Floare de Portocal / Orange Blossom mini-cake

 Azi sunt un pic suparata. Micul meu aparat foto da semne de oboseala. Toata munca mea de ieri si tot ceea ce pozasem sa va arat s-a cam dus…Pozele sunt neclare, lumina nu m-a ajutat deloc iar eu mi-am pierdut rabdarea.
Ma consolez ca de marti voi avea un alt aparat.
Am reusit sa fac niste poze cat de cat ok cu minitortul Floare de Portocal. Sper ca ma veti ierta pentru putinele poze facute si mai sper ca reteta va fi pe placul vostru.


– 4 oua
– 100 g zahar
– 5 linguri de faina
– 1 lingura esenta de flori de portocal
– 2 linguri de apa
– 1 lingura de ulei de floarea soarelui


– 125 g iaurt cu fructe (piersici)
– 100 g zahar
– 100 g unt
– 2 pliculete Vanilie Bourbon
– 2 lingurite amidon alimentar
– 2 linguri esenta de flori de portocal
– piure de nectarine (din 3 nectarine)

Am separat albusurile de galbenusuri si le-am mixat impreuna cu zaharul pana am obtinut o spuma. Am amestecat galbenusurile cu uleiul si le-am adaugat peste spuma si am mixat pana cand am omogenizat. Am adaugat esenta de flori de portocal si apa si am mixat din nou. In final am adaugat faina si am amestecat pana cand am obtinut o compozitie omogena. Aceasta a fost pusa intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili (de 18 cm diametru) si apoi bagata in cuptorul incalzit in prealabil. Se coace la temperatura medie si se incearca cu o scobitoare. Cand pe scobitoare nu mai ramane compozitie (iese curata) vom scoate blatul din cuptor.
Blatul se lasa la racit. Preparam piureul de nectarine. Se spala cele trei nectarine, se scot samburii si se mixeaza cu ajutorul unui blender (sau cu o furculita).
Amestecam iaurtul cu zaharul si untul moale intr-o craticioara. Se adauga vanilia Bourbon si se amesteca. Craticioara se pune pe aragaz si se amesteca in continuu. Peste 2-3 minute compozitia devine cremoasa si calduta. Adaugam piureul de nectarine si amidonul amestecand pentru a omogeniza. Se pune craticioara din nou pe foc si se amesteca in continuu pentru a nu se prinde de fund. Cand compozitia incepe sa se ingroase amestecam energic 1-2 minute si luam craticioara de pe foc. Adaugam esenta de flori de portocal si omogenizam. Se lasa la racorit 5 minute dupa care umplem blatul. Se decoreaza dupa cum doriti. Eu am preferat nectarinele si strugurii pentru decorare.

Today I’m a little bit sad. My little camera is getting tired. All my work from yesterday and all that I wanted to show in the pictures that I took is gone now. The pictures are noisy, the light wasn’t good and didn’t helped me at all and finally I lost my patience.
I’m feeling better now because Tuesday I will have a new camera.
I made some pictures more or less OK with my Orange Blossom mini-cake. I hope you’ll forgive me for those few pictures and I hope that you’ll like this recipe.
Sponge cake
– 4 eggs
– 100 g of sugar
– 5 spoons of flour
– 1 spoon of Orange Blossom essence
– 2 spoons of water
– 1 spoon of sunflower oil
– 125 g of yogurt with fruits (I used yogurt with peaches)
– 100 g of sugar
– 100 g butter
– 2 sachets (20 g ) of Bourbon Vanilla sugar
– 2 teaspoons of corn starch
– 2 spoons with Orange Blossom essence
– nectarines puree (I made it of 3 nectarines)
I separated the egg whites and I mixed them with the sugar until I obtained a meringue. I mixed the yolks with the oil and I put them with the meringue and I mixed until I homogenized. I added the orange blossom essence and the water and I mixed again. Finally I added the flour and I mixed until I obtained an homogeneous composition. I put the composition into a cake pan (with adjustable ring) – my cake pan has only 18 cm diameter. I put the pan into the preheated oven an I left it there until the composition passed the stick test (I guess you know it).
We take the pan out of the oven and we let it cool off. 
We prepare the nectarine puree. We wash the three nectarines, we take out their pits and we mix them with the blender.
Into a pan we mix the yogurt, the sugar and mild butte. We add the Bourbon vanilla and we mix it with the other ingredients. We put the pan on the stove and we mix continuously with a spoon. After 2-3 minutes the composition becomes creamy and warm. We will put the nectarine puree and the starch and we mix very well. We put the pan back on stove and we mix continuously to prevent the eventual overheating problems. When the composition begins to thicken we mix very fast for 1-2 minutes and we take the pan off the stove. We add the orange flower blossom essence and we mix very well with the composition. We let the cream to cool off for 5 minutes and after that we fill the sponge cake. You can decorate it as you wish. I used nectarines and grapes.

Daca va intrebati ce fel de esenta am folosit iata o poza:
If you want to know what kind of essence I used here is a picture: 

Eu am cumparat-o din Belgia. Din cate stiu la noi in tara se poate gasi in magazinele mari gen Corra, Carrefour, Mega Image (eu am cumparat-o din Delhaize).
I bought the essence from Belgium.It can be found in supermarkets, as far as I know.
Sper ca v-a placut reteta. Este un desert fin si parfumat ce merita incercat. Pentru un tort mai mare dublati cantitatile.
I hope you liked the recipe. It’s a flavored and fine desert which must be tried. For a bigger cake all you have to do is to double the quantities.

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