Desert / Dessert

Minitarte cu nuca / Walnut minitarts

 Iata ca a venit randul acestei retete simple, ca raspuns la provocarea Furnicutei Boscodine. Eu nu am facut o reteta din cele doua ingrediente combinate ci cate una cu fiecare.
Ca sa fac un scurt rezumat am sa va povestesc in ce consta provocarea. In aceasta luna detinatorii de bloguri culinare sau cei ce doresc sa posteze o reteta cu niste ingrediente date (nuci si usturoi in noiembrie) o pot face, centralizandu-se apoi toate aceste retete pe un blog. Apoi pentru luna urmatoare se va alege un alt blog ce va gazdui provocarea acelei luni.

– 100 g smantana
– 100 g unt
– 300-350 g faina
– 2 linguri zahar
– 200 g nuci
– 300 g mascarpone
– 4 linguri zahar pudra
– esenta de cafea

So finally I get to post this simple recipe, as a answer to Furnicuta Boscodina’s challenge. I made a recipe that contains only an ingredient of the two that were chosen for this month’s challenge. 
Just to make a brief summary I will tell you what is this challenge about. This months the ones who have a culinary blog or the ones who want to share a recipe made with the given ingredients  for that month (walnuts and garlic  in November) can do it, in the end all the recipes being centralized on a blog. This blog was chosen last month because the owner had a good recipe. For next month a other blog will be chosen  and that blog will host the challenge of that month.
– 100 g sour cream
– 100 g butter
– 300 – 350 g flour
– 2 tablespoons of sugar
– 200 g walnuts
– 300 g mascarpone
– 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– coffee essence
Pentru prepararea aluatului folosim smantana, untul, zahar si faina. Toate se amesteca bine pana obtinem o pasta elastica. Aceasta se imparte in 5 bucati (se poate face si o tarta mare) si se intinde in forme. Se pun in cuptorul preincalzit si se lasa la temperatura medie pana cand devin aurii.
To prepare the dough we will use the sour cream, butter, sugar and flour. We mix them very well, until we’ll obtain an elastic dough. This dough will be divided in 5 pieces (we can do also a big tart) that will be stretched in the cake pans. The cake pans will be put into the preheated oven and will be left at medium temperature until the dough will have a a nice gold tone. 
Se prepara crema din mascarpone, zahar pudra si esenta de cafea. Acestea se amesteca bine pana la omogenizare.
We will prepare the filling with mascarpone, powdered sugar and coffee extract. Those ingredients will be mixed together until they will be homogenized.
Nucile se taie si se prajesc 3-4 minute intr-o tigaie antiaderenta, fara ulei. Se lasa la racit.
In cosuletele se tarta se pune cate o lingurita de crema si apoi nucile dupa care se vor orna cu crema preparata mai devreme si cafea.
We will cut the walnuts and we’ll parch them into a pan, without oil. We’ll let them to cool off.
In the small tarts of dough we will add a spoon of filling cream, then the walnuts and in the end we will decorate with filling cream and coffee.
Gustul acestor tarte este minunat. Nuca prajita se va pastra crocanta iar aroma este inconfundabila. Drept dovada sta deja lipsa subiectelor in cauza :)) !
V-am spus eu ca sunt usor de facut! 🙂
Mai ramane reteta cu usturoi. Ma intreb pe care sa o aleg…
These tarts’ taste is wonderful. Parched walnuts will be crunchy and tasty longer and the flavor is so well known. We have a proof of this – the subjects are already missing! :))
I told you that they are easy to bake! 🙂
I still have to cook the  recipe with garlic. I wonder what to choose…

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