Miniplacinte cu agrise si caise/ Gooseberries and apricots mini pies
Profit din plin ca este sezonul fructelor aromate si dulci si va aduc in atentie doua tipuri de fructe incantatoare: agrisele si caisele.
– 200 g unt moale
– 2 oua
– 125 ml lapte rece
– 750 g faina
– 5 linguri de zahar
– 10 g praf de copt
– 20 g Vanilla Bourbon
– 7-8 caise coapte
– 150 g agrise coapte
A few days ago I prepared some absolutely delicious minipies! Suitable for little children but also for you. I had two reasons to prepare this recipe: my little nephew is visiting and I wanted to prepare something sweet for him, plus I got as gift a wonderful pie baking device, muffins and other wonders, so I had try it!
I take advantage of this season because it’s the season of flavored fruits and I bring into your attention two delightful types : gooseberries and apricots.
Here’s what you need for 12 mini pies (10 cm diameter)
– 200 g soft butter
– 2 eggs
– 125 ml cold milk
– 750 g flour
– 5 tablespoons sugar
– 10 g baking powder
– 20 g Vanilla Bourbon
– 7-8 apricots
– 150 g gooseberries
Se amesteca untul, zaharul, ouale si vanilia.
We mix the butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla.
Se adauga apoi laptele si praful de copt. Se amesteca incet pentru a se incorpora.
Then add milk and baking powder. Stir gently to incorporate.
In final adaugam treptat faina. Aceasta se incorporeaza si vom obtine o coca elastica. Coca se inveleste cu folie de plastic si se pune in frigider pentru 30 de minute.
Finally add the flour but in small quantities. When it’s incorporated we’ll get an elastic dough. Dough will be covered with plastic wrap and placed in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Intre timp vom spala si vom taia fructele. Daca doriti puteti sa le amestecati cu zahar. Mie mi s-au parut suficient de dulci si nu am mai adaugat zahar deloc.
Meanwhile we will wash and cut the fruits. If you want you can mix them with sugar. To me they seemed sweet enough and I didn’t add sugar.
Se scoate coca din frigider. Presaram putina faina pe masa dupa care intindem jumatate din cantitatea de coca. Foaia nu trebuie sa fie foarte subtire.
Remove the dough from refrigerator. Sprinkle a little flour on the table and after that stretch half the dough on it. The sheet shouldn’t be very thin.
Am taiat cu forma aparatului partea de jos a miniplacintei. Daca nu aveti aparat si coaceti miniplacintele in forme normale, la cuptor, folositi o forma rotunda pentru a taia aluatul si faceti 6 crestaturi cu un cutit, asa ca in imagine.
I cut mini pie’s bottom with a form that came with my baking device. If you don’t have a device and you’ll bake the mini pies in normal forms, in oven, use a round form to cut the dough and make six incisions with a knife, just like the ones in the image.
Se pune aparatul la incalzit timp de 10 minute. Daca vreti sa coaceti miniplacintele in cuptor preincalziti-l inainte de a le pune. Aluatul se pune in cuiburi sau forme si se adauga fructele.
Put the baking device and heat it for 10 minutes. If you want to bake the mini pies in oven preheat it before they will be put in it. The dough is placed in nests or or forms and we will add the fruits.
Se taie si partea superioara a placintei. Daca nu aveti forma speciala de taiat puteti folosi o forma rotunda ceva mai mica decat cea pe care am folosit-o pentru cosulet.
Daca aveti Moulinex Pie&Co pur si simplu inchideti capacul dupa ce ati pus partea de sus a miniplacintelor. Asteptam apoi pana cand beculetul ne arata culoarea verde si gata! Am terminat de copt miniplacintele. Nu dureaza mult-vreo 10 minute.
Daca le veti coace la cuptor mai aveti de facut ceva. Dupa ce ati pus partea de sus presati usor marginile cu o furculita si bagati formele in cuptorul preincalzit. Miniplacintele vor fi gata cand partea de sus este usor rumena.
Cut the top of the pie. If you don’t have the special form use a round form smaller than the one we used for the bottom.
If you have Moulinex Pie & Co you just close the lid after you put the top of mini pies. We‘ll wait until the dot shows green and they are ready! I finished baking the mini pies. Doesn’t take long, about 10 minutes.
If you will bake them in the oven you’ll have to do something first. After placing the top piece of dough press the edges with a fork and put the forms in the preheated oven. Mini pies will be ready when the top is lightly browned.
Se pudreaza cu putin zahar amestecat cu vanilie si se servesc atat caldute cat si reci.
Powder them with some sugar mixed with vanilla and serve them warm or cold.
Bon appétit!