Aperitive / Appetizers,  Legume / Vegetables

Mini ardei cu branza proaspata si trufe/Mini peppers with ricotta cheese and truffles

Anii trecuti am postat multe retete inainte de Craciun si inainte de Anul Nou. Anul ce tocmai a trecut am revenit dupa o lunga pauza insa am preferat sa imi petrec vacanta alaturi de cei dragi si sa ma concentrez pe un nou capitol al vietii mele. Va doresc un an nou plin de fericire, sanatate si multe realizari, asa cum imi doresc si mie si celor dragi! La multi ani!
La inceput de an vreau sa va propun o reteta simpla si de mare efect-mini ardei umpluti cu branza proaspata si trufe.
In the past few years I posted many recipes before Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The year that just passed meant my coming back after a long period of time but I preferred to spend my holidays with my dear ones and to concentrate on a new chapter of my life. I wish you a new year full of happiness, health and many accomplishments, as I wish for myself and my dear ones! Happy New Year!
For the start of this year I would like to propose you a simple and interesting recipe-mini peppers with ricotta cheese and truffles.

Pentru aceasta reteta am avut nevoie de:
– mini ardei
– 100g ricotta
– 1 gogosar
– cateva felii de trufa neagra
– sare
– piper
For this recipe I needed:
– mini peppers
– 100g ricotta
– 1 red sweet pepper
– few slices of black truffle
– salt 
– pepper

Am spalat ardeii si i-am copt intr-o tigaie pana cand pielita s-a putut indeparta usor. Apoi am decupat un capac pentru a indeparta semintele din interior. Partea decupata am pastrat-o pentru a monta ardeiul dupa umplerea cu branza.
Pana am preparat crema de branza am tinut ardeii intr-un amestec de 100 ml de apa, 1 lingura de ulei, 1 lingura de otet si sare.
Am copt si gogosarul si l-am curatat de coaja dupa care am folosit pulpa pentru crema de branza. Intr-un vas am pus branza si pulpa gogosarului si le-am mixat cu blenderul. Apoi am adaugat sare si piper. Am umplut mini ardeii si am pus cate o felie de trufa pe fiecare. Pot fi serviti ca atare sau ca parte a unui aperitiv ce cuprinde mai multe feluri.
I washed the peppers and I grilled them on a pan until their peel  was easy to be taken away. After that I cut out near the stem in order to take out the seeds. I kept the part that was cut in because I wanted to use it after the peppers were filled with cheese.
I kept the mini peppers in a mix of 100 ml water, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and salt until I prepared the cheese filling. 
I also grilled the sweet pepper and I peeled it and I used the pulp for the cheese filling. In a bowl I put the cheese and sweet pepper’s pulp and I mixed it with the blender. I added salt and pepper in the end. I filled each mini pepper with cheese and I put a slice of truffle on each one. They can be served as they are or as a part of an appetizer.

Merita sa incercati aceasta reteta, fiind o combinatie de gusturi simple dar de efect.
Pofta buna!
It’s worth trying this recipe, because it’s a combination of simple tastes but making a big impression.
Bon appetit!

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