Fructe de mare si scoici / Mussels and crustacean

Midii in stil catalan/Catalan-style mussels

Cred ca stiti deja ca locuiesc intr-o zona mai apropiata de munte decat de mare. Cea mai mare nemultumire a mea este legata de faptul ca nu avem acces la suficiente produse de provenienta marina. Eu sunt o iubitoare de caldura, mare si soare si mi-as dori sa pot gati mai des cu peste si scoici.
Destul de rar se intampla sa gasim midii si peste foarte proaspat in micul nostru oras. Atunci e momentul sa gatesc retete pe care le-am pus de mult timp la pastrare. Duminica aceasta a fost randul midiilor in stil catalan.
You might already know that I live in an area which is nearest to the mountains than the sea. My biggest disappointment  is the fact that we don’t have sufficient access to seafood. I’m in love with warm weather, sea and sun and I wish I could cook more often with fish and mussels.
Rarely happens to find very fresh mussels and fish in our little town. Then it’s time to cook recipes that I put aside for a long time. This Sunday it was the turn of the Catalan-style mussels.

Reteta este inspirata dintr-o carte de bucate Larousse, insa modificata un pic pentru a fi pe gustul nostru. Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– 1 kg midii proaspete
– 250 ml vin alb demisec
– 2 ardei kapia
– 1 gogosar
– 1 ceapa
– 2 catei de usturoi
– 2 linguri ulei de masline
– cimbru uscat
– sare
– piper

The recipe is inspired by a cookbook Larousse, but modified a bit for our taste. Here’s what ingredients I used:
– 1 kg fresh mussels
– 250 ml semi-dry white wine
– 2 kapia peppers
– 1 bell pepper
– 1 onion
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 2 tablespoons olive oil
– dried thyme
– salt
– pepper

Ardeii se spala si se curata de seminte. Apoi se taie in bucati mari si se coc pe gratar (sau tigaie ondulata), ori in cuptor. Cand ardeii sunt copti cojita se indeparteaza si pulpa se toaca marunt si se pune intr-o tigaie.
Wash peppers and take out the seeds. Then cut them into large pieces and put them on the grill (or waved pan) or in the oven. When peppers are grilled,  peel them and finely chop the pulp and place it in a pan.
Alaturi de ardei mai puneti ceapa taiata marunt, usturoiul pisat, cimbrul, sarea, piperul si turnati ulei. Puneti tigaia la foc iute timp de 10 minute. In ultimele 2 minute luati tigaia si adaugati 150 ml de vin. Veti obtine un sos gros.
Together with grilled peppers put chopped onion, garlic, thyme, salt, pepper and pour oil. Put the pan on high heat for 10 minutes. In the last 2 minutes take the pan aside and pour 150 ml of wine.You’ll get a thick sauce.
Spalati bine midiile cu multa apa si indepartati algele prinse de ele. Daca veti gasi midii desfacute va trebui sa le aruncati – le veti pastra numai pe cele inchise. Daca in timpul fierberii midiile nu se desfac, trebuie sa le aruncati pentru a nu risca sa faceti toxiinfectie alimentara.
Midiile se pun intr-o oala cu putina sare si se acopera cu apa. Se fierb 6 minute. In acest timp incalziti cuptorul la 210 grade Celsius si pregatiti vase termorezistente.
Wash the mussels with plenty of water and remove the algae attached to them. If you find cracked or open mussels you will have to throw them away – you will keep only the closed ones.  If during cooking mussels will not open, you have to throw them away and not to take the risk of food poisoning.
Mussels are put in a pot with salt and covered with water. Boil them 6 minutes. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 210 degrees Celsius and prepare the heat resistant baking dishes.
In fiecare vas puneti putin sos, midiile desfacute (eu am pastrat numai o jumatate din scoica dar am pus cate doua midii, pentru a economisi spatiu) si turnati putin vin.
Vasele se pun in cuptor si se lasa timp de 7 minute, la 210 grade, cu ventilatie.
In every dish put some sauce, mussels opened (I kept only one half of each shell but I put two mussels, to save space) and pour a little wine.
Dishes will be put in the oven and left there 7 minutes, at 210 Celsius degrees, in ventilated mode.
Serviti preparatul cald, cu paine proaspata cu masline sau ierburi aromatice, alaturi de un pahar de vin alb. Delicios!
Serve warm with fresh bread with olives and herbs, with a glass of white wine. Delicious!

Bon appétit!

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