Imi aduc aminte cu drag de acest fel de mancare. Strabunica mea, care a fost o femeie extraordinara, asa cum nici eu si nici o alta femeie din familie nu va mai fi, ne facea mereu mamaliguta “in paturi”. Mi se facuse dor de mancarurile strabunicii Valeria si nu am stat mult pe ganduri si m-am apucat de gatit. Am ales aceasta reteta pentru ca este una din preferatele mele.
– 500 g branza de burduf
– 300 g pastrama de oaie
– 100 g unt
– 900 g malai
– 2.5 l apa
– 1 lingura ulei de floarea soarelui
– sare
I remember with so much joy about this dish. My great grandmother, who was a extraordinary woman, as neither me or other woman from my family will be, used to cook this polenta ” in layers”. I was missing so much my great grandmother Valeria’s dishes and I didn’t thought too much and I started too cook. I chose this recipe because is one of my favorites.
– 500 g Romanian traditional ewe’s cheese (kept in lamb stomach)- branza de burduf
– 300 g mutton pastrami
– 100 g butter
– 900 g cornmeal
– 2.5 l water
– 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
– salt
Se pregateste branza. Se taie si se faramiteaza.
Pastrama se taie in felii potrivite si apoi in fasii.
Se pune apa intr-o oala, se adauga sarea si uleiul si se pune la foc. Cand apa a inceput sa fiarba punem malaiul treptat. Se amesteca energic pentru a nu face cocoloase. Oala se pune din nou pe foc si amestecam incet pentru 3-4 minute. Se ia de pe foc si se lasa 2-3 minute la racorit.
Pregatim o tava suficient de inalta pentru a pune mamaliguta “in paturi”.
We’ll prepare the cheese. We cut and crumble the cheese.
Pastrami will be cut in medium slices and after in small strips.
We put water into a pot and we add salt and sunflower oil. We’ll put the pot on the stove. When the water started to boil we’ll add the cornmeal gradually. We mix fast to prevent the forming of cornmeal balls. We put the pot back on the stove and we mix slowly for 3-4 minutes. We take the pot aside and we let polenta to cool off for 2-3 minutes.
We’ll prepare a tray high in off to put the polenta “in layers”.
Se pune primul strat de mamaliguta fierbinte si cateva bucatele de unt. Apoi se imprastie branza si pastrama. Pastrama o puteti praji-mie imi place mai mult neprajita.
Apoi punem un nou strat de mamaliguta fierbinte. Repetam acest procedeu de cate ori e necesar. Eu am facut doua straturi; puteti sa faceti chiar 3 sau 4 straturi. Pe ultimul strat puneti branza si pastrama.
Se pune in cuptorul preincalzit si se lasa la temperatura medie 20-25 minute.
We put the first layer of hot polenta and few pieces of butter. Then we spreas the cheese and pastrami. You can fry the pastrami-I like it just like it is.
After that we’ll put a new layer of hot ploenta. We’ll repeat this operation as many times as is needed. I made only two layers; you can do 3 or even 4 layers. On top you have to put cheese and pastrami.
We’ll put the tray in the preheated oven and we’ll leave it there for 20-25 minutes at medium temperature.
Gata pentru servire! Cu salata, rosii, muraturi sau ardei iuti! 🙂
Ready to be served! With salad, tomatoes, pickles or pickled hot peppers! 🙂