Legume cu feta la cuptor/Vegetables with feta cheese cooked in oven
Si cum vara asta nu a fost extrem de calduroasa, am gasit o zi perfecta pentru a gati o mancare la cuptor.
Ce am folosit? Pentru doua portii am avut nevoie de:
– 1 dovlecel
– 1 rosie mare decojita
– 1 morcov
– 1 ardei rosu
– 1 ardei verde
– 100 g branza feta
– frunze de busuioc
– 2 linguri de ulei de masline
During the summer I don’t feel like sitting in the kitchen. So I prefer to cook fast dishes, near which I don’t have to spend too much time but they must be very tasty.
And as this summer was not very warm, so I found a perfect day to cook a dish in the oven.
What did I use? For two servings I needed:
– 1 zucchini
– 1 large peeled tomato
– 1 carrot
– 1 red pepper
– 1 green pepper
– 100 g feta cheese
– basil leaves
– 2 tablespoons olive oil
Am curatat si am spalat legumele.
I washed and I peeled the vegetables.
Dupa aceea m-am jucat putin cu noua mea achizitie de la Moulinex, razatoare Fresh Express. Sunt tare multumita de ea si nu-mi pare rau ca am cumparat-o! In sfarsit am si eu toate unghiile intregi! :))
After that I played a little bit with my new acquisition from Moulinex, the Fresh Express grater. I’m very pleased and I’m not sorry that I bought it! Finally I have whole all my fingernails! :))
Am folosit pentru fiecare portie cate un vas de argila cu capac. Aceste vase sunt emailate si nu a fost nevoie sa le tin in apa inainte de folosire. Daca folosite din cele simple, fara email, trebuie sa le bagati in apa cel putin 20 de minute inainte de folosire.
In fiecare vas vom pune morcov, ardei rosu si ardei verde.
I used for each serving a clay pot with a lid. These pots are glazed and there was no need to keep them in water before use. If you use a simple one, not glazed, you should put them in water at least 20 minutes before use.
In every pot we will put carrots, red pepper and green pepper.
Peste ardei si morcovi am adaugat un strat de dovlecei. Apoi am tocat marunt frunze de busuioc si am taiat branza feta in cubulete. Le-am asezat peste dovlecei.
I put over the pepper and carrot a layer of zucchini. Then I chopped basil leaves and I cut into cubes the feta cheese. I placed basil leaves and feta over zucchini.
Punem un nou strat de dovlecei.
We’ll put a new layer of zucchini.
Apoi urmeaza bucatelele de rosii.
Then it’s tomato small pieces’ turn.
Punem ultimul strat de dovlecei, cateva cuburi de feta si o lingura de ulei de masline. Adaugam apa, insa nu foarte multa deoarece legumele vor lasa si ele suc. Apoi punem capacul. Bagam vasele in cuptor si aprindem focul. Cuptorul nu se preincalzeste.
Vasele se lasa 30-45 de minute la foc mediu. Apoi le scoatem si servim legumele calde sau chiar si reci.
We’ll put the last layer of zucchini, a few cubes of feta and a spoon of olive oil. Add water, but not a lot because the vegetables because will leave their juice. Then we’ll put the lid. We’ll put the dishes in the oven and light the fire. Do not preheat the oven.
Pots will be left in the oven for 30-45 minutes at medium heat. Then we’ll take them out and we’ll serve the vegetables hot or cold .
Bon appétit!