Desert / Dessert

Inghetata de cafea – 1 year of blogging! / Coffee ice cream – 1 an de blogging!

Nici nu-mi vine sa cred ca a trecut un an de cand scriu acest blog! A fost un an frumos, plin de surprize pentru mine, in care mi-am facut multi prieteni. Ma simt apreciata de voi, cititorii mei, motiv pentru care tin sa va multumesc pentru ca-mi sunteti alaturi!
Cum puteam sa sarbatoresc mai frumos decat cu o noua reteta?! Si nu orice fel de reteta ci una de inghetata de cafea. Ca sursa de inspiratie am folosit reteta de inghetata de cafea din Cartea regala de bucate.
Am facut unele modificari insa reteta de baza e cea din carte.

– 4 galbenusuri
– 150 g zahar
– 150 ml cafea expresso
– 300 ml smantana dulce pentru frisca
– 100 ml lapte integral

No, I cant believe a year has passed since I write this blog! It was a beautiful year, full of surprises for me, while I made many friends. I feel appreciated by you, my readers, which is why I want to thank you for you because you are with me!
How could I celebrate more beautiful than with a new recipe? And not just any recipe but a coffee ice cream recipe. As inspiration I used the
coffee ice cream recipe from  Royal book of recipes.
I made some changes but the basic recipe is the one from the book.

– 4 egg yolks
– 150 g sugar
– 150 ml espresso coffee
– 300 ml sweet cream (for whipped cream)
– 100 ml whole milk

Preparam cafeaua expresso. Eu am facut-o foarte tare si am lasat cafeaua sa infuzeze cateva minute bune dupa preparare. Am lasat-o sa se raceasca si intre timp am urmat celelalte etape ale prepararii inghetatei.  
We’ll prepare the espresso coffee. I made it very strong and I left the coffee to infuse for few minutes after I prepared it. I left it to cool off and meanwhile I followed the other steps for preparing the ice cream. 

Intr-un bol cu pereti inalti punem galbenusurile si zaharul. Mixam la viteza mare pana cand compozitia se deschide la culoare. 
Put the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl high walls. Mix at high speed until the composition will have a lighter color.

Intr-o craticioara se pune laptele si smantana dulce. Craticioara se pune la incalzit. Cand compozitia ajunge aproape de punctul de fierbere, se ia craticioara de pe foc. Continutul se pune peste galbenusuri amestecand in continuu. 
Put milk and sweet cream in a pan. The pan will be put on the stove. When the composition reaches almost to boiling point, remove the pan from the stove. The content will placed over the egg yolks stirring constantly.

Dupa ce compozitia s-a omogenizat, bolul (metalic sau termorezistent) se pune deasupra unei oale cu apa ce fierbe (bain marie). Se amesteca in continuu. Dupa cateva minute compozitia se va ingrosa cam ca si o budinca. Este momentul in care bolul se ia de pe oala cu apa clocotita si se adauga cafeaua, omogenizand compozitia.
After the composition was homogenized, the bowl (metal or heat resistant) is placed over a pot of boiling water (bain marie). Stir continuously. After a few minutes the composition will thicken a bit like a pudding. Now the bowl will taken away from the pot with boiling water and we’ll add coffee, homogenizing the composition.

Compozitia se raceste cu ajutorul unui vas plin cu apa si cuburi de gheata. Apoi se baga in frigider. Astfel, va avea o temperatura scazuta (undeva in jur de 4-5 grade).
The composition is cooled in a pot filled with water and ice cubes. Then it will be put in refrigerator. The composition will have a low temperature (somewhere around 4-5 Celsius degrees).

Apoi compozitia se pune in vasul masinii de inghetata. Dupa ce masina de inghetata si-a facut treaba, inghetata se mai pune in congelator cel putin 30 de minute inainte de a fi servita. 
Daca nu aveti masina de facut inghetata, puneti compozitia intr-un recipient acoperit si puneti-l in congelator. Scoateti castronul si mixati compozitia la 1 ora pana cand aceasta se congeleaza. Astfel inghetata nu va avea ace de gheata.  
Then put the composition in the dish of the ice cream machine. After the ice cream machine has done its job, put the ice cream in the freezer at least 30 minutes before serving.
If you do not have ice cream machine, put the composition in a covered dish and place it in the freezer. Remove bowl from the freezer and mix composition at 1 hour until it freezes. Therefore the ice cream will not have ice needles in it. 

Serviti inghetata decorata frumos cu boabe de cafea. Un deliciu!
Serve ice cream decorated with coffee beans. A true delight!

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