Carne de iepure/Rabbit

Iepure cu vin alb si ghimbir/Rabbit with white wine and ginger

Cunosc foarte multa lume care nu concepe sa manance carne de iepure. Unii din cauza ca simt ca mananca simbolul Pastelui, altii pentru ca au impresia ca are un gust ciudat insa cei mai simpatici de departe sunt cei care din principiu nu mananca nici un fel de alta carne in afara de cea de porc sau pui. Eu nu fac parte dintre acestia. Mi-a placut dintotdeauna iepurele.
Nu am sa incerc sa va conving sa gustati carne de iepure ci am sa va sugerez o reteta care a fost apreciata atat de noi cat si de prietenii nostri.
I know a lot of people who do not conceive eating rabbit meat. Some because they feel like eating the Easter symbol, others because they think it tastes weird but the nicest by far are those who in principle do not eat any other meat besides pork or chicken. I am not part of them. I always liked the rabbit meat.
I will not try to convince you to taste the rabbit meat but I will suggest a recipe that was appreciated by us and our friends.

Ingrediente pentru friptura:
– un iepure de 3-4 kg
– 1 litru vin alb demisec
– pudra de ghimbir
-piper alb
-foi de dafin
-1 lingurita rozmarin uscat
-sare grunjoasa
Ingrediente garnitura:
– 4-5 morcovi
– 1 gogosar
– 50 g unt
– sare
-1 lingurita ghimbir pudra
Ingrediente piure de cartofi:
– 4-5 cartofi
-1 lingura unt moale
-100 ml lapte dulce
Ingredients for roast meat:
– A 3-4 kg rabbit 
– 1 liter of medium dry white wine
– ginger powder
-white pepper
-bay leaves
-1 teaspoon dried rosemary
-coarse salt
Garnish ingredients:
– 4-5 carrots
– 1 bell pepper
– 50 g butter
– salt
-1 teaspoon ginger powder
Mashed potatoes ingredients:
– 4-5 potatoes
-1 tablespoon soft butter
-100 ml fresh milk

Iepurele se spala cu multa apa si se transeaza. Apoi se freaca pe toate partile cu sare grunjoasa. Nu va faceti probleme din cauza grasimii-fie o indepartati fie o lasati si o veti separa dupa ce carnea a fost gatita. Pregatim un vas mare in care se pune vinul, ghimbirul, piperul alb, foile de dafin si rozmarinul uscat. Se amesteca marinata dupa care se pun pe rand bucatile de carne astfel incat sa fie cat mai bine acoperite de lichid. Vasul se acopera cu un capac sau folie alimentara si se pune in frigider. Carnea se lasa in marinata aproximativ 12 ore.
Rinse the rabbit with plenty of water and cut it into pieces. Then rub on all sides with coarse salt. Don’t worry because the fat can be removed before roasting and or you can separate after the meat is cooked. Prepare a large bowl and put the wine, ginger, white pepper, dried bay leaves and rosemary. Mix marinade then put the meat so that it is as well covered by liquid. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic foil and place it in refrigerator. Let the meat in the marinade for 12 hours.

Eu am lasat carnea in marinata pana a doua zi. Atunci am scos-o din bol si am pus-o intr-o tava. Puteti sa puneti marinata peste carne sau sa inlocuiti vinul si condimentele pentru a improspata gustul. Eu am folosit marinata de data aceasta.
Peste tava am pus aluminiu si am introdus-o in cuptorul preincalzit. Am lasat-o timp de doua ore, la foc potrivit. Dupa doua ore am scos tava si am indepartat aluminiul si am introdus-o din nou pentru inca 15 minute in cuptor. Astfel carnea s-a rumenit frumos la suprafata iar interiorul a fost suculent.
I left the meat in the marinade until the next day. Then I took it from the bowl and put it in a tray. You can put the marinade over meat or replace wine and spices to freshen the taste. I used marinade this time.
I put aluminum foil over the tray  and I introduced it into the preheated oven. I left it in oven for two hours at medium heat. After two hours I took out the tray and I removed aluminum foil and I introduced it again for another 15 minutes in the oven. Thus the meat browned nicely on the surface and the interior was juicy.
Garnitura am pregatit-o cu o jumatate de ora inainte de a servi iepurele. Am curatat si am taiat rondele morcovii si i-am pus la fiert in apa cu sare. Cand acestia erau aproape fierti am adaugat gogosarul taiat in felii lungi si gimbirul. In cratita nu trebuie sa fie prea mult lichid atunci cand legumele fierb, astfel ca in final sa scada aproape tot. Dupa ce am stins focul adaugam untul si amestecam.
Am pus si ingredientele folosite pentru piure pentru a fi convinsa ca va iese ca si al meu. Acesta trebuie sa fie aerat si nu prea moale.
I prepared garnish it with a half hour before serving rabbit. I’ve peeled and sliced ​​carrots and I put them to boil in salted water. When they were almost cooked I added pepper cut into long slices and ginger powder. It shouldn’t be too much liquid in the pan when you’re boiling vegetables, so that in the end to have a small quantity of liquid. After we took the pan aside add the butter and stir gently.
I added the ingredients used for mashed potatoes in order to be sure that you’ll  obtain mashed potatoes like mine. It should be aerated and not too soft.

Serviti friptura calda impreuna cu vin alb demisec. Veti fi incantati de gustul special al iepurelui!
Serve the dish warm with a white medium dry wine. You’ll love rabbit’s special taste!

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