Ied cu mere si struguri tamaiosi/Goatling with apples and muscat grapes
Probabil ca v-ati obisnuit sa vedeti pe blogul meu tot felul de retete ce contin carne de pe la bunica, mama sau prieteni. Noi locuim intr-un oras destul de mic iar cei care ne aduc tot felul de produse stau la casa si au micute ferme pentru consumul propriu, altii mai si vand. Cumpar nuci de la vecini sau prieteni care au prea multe, mere de la oamenii care au livezi prin imprejurimi, lapte si branza de la o doamna de pe langa Curtea de Arges, vin, castraveciori, rosii iau de la bunica.
Obisnuiesc sa gatesc retete variate cu ingrediente locale. Asta nu inseamna ca nu apreciez bucatariile sau ingredientele altor popoare. Dar sunt ceea ce sunt si nu pot sa va mint si sa spun ca noi mancam in fiecare zi mancare frantuzeasca. Sunt zile in care la cina mancam rosii cu branza, salate sau piept de pui la gratar.
Azi vreau sa va povestesc despre o reteta de ied pe care am facut-o saptamana asta. Pulpa de ied a fost de la bunica.
Perhaps you are used to see on my blog all sorts of recipes that contain meat from my grandmother, mother and friends. We live in a pretty small town and those that bring us all sorts of products live in house and own their own tiny farms, others also sell products. I buy nuts from neighbors or friends who have too many, apples from people who have orchards in the neighborhood, milk and cheese from a lady from Curtea de Arges, wine, cucumbers, tomatoes are taken from Grandma.
I’m used to cook various recipes with local ingredients. That does not mean I do not appreciate other people’s kitchens or ingredients. But I am what I am and I can not lie and say that we eat every day French food. There are days when we eat as dinner tomatoes with cheese, salads or grilled chicken breast.
Today I want to tell you about a recipe of goatling that I cooked this week. The goatling was from my grandmother.
– a goatling leg
-750 ml sweet white wine
– mosaic pepper
-coarse salt
-bay leaves
-red and yellow apples
-muscat grapes
Piciorul de ied se degreseaza si se sareaza. Apoi l-am pus in frigider timp de 3 ore.
The goatling leg will be degrease and salted. Then I put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Intre timp am taiat merele, am scos cotorul si le-am pus intr-o tava impreuna cu boabele de strugure si ceapa. Apoi am pus si piciorul de ied, condimentele, am adaugat vinul. Tava am acoperit-o cu folie de aluminiu si am pus-o in cuptorul preincalzit.
Iedul este facut dupa 2 ore. Nu uitati sa scoateti folia de aluminiu in ultimele 10 minute pentru a capata o crusta aurie. Merele si strugurii le puteti servi impreuna cu friptura, ca si garnitura, sau puteti sa le transformati in sos cu ajutorul blenderului. Sosul il puteti pune peste carne si sa faceti o alta garnitura.
Meanwhile I cut the apples, I removed the cob and put them in a pan with the grapes and onion. Then I put the goatling leg, spices and I added wine. I covered the tray with aluminium foil and put it in the preheated oven.
The goatling meat is cooked after 2 hours. Do not forget to remove the aluminum foil in the last 10 minutes to get a golden crust. Apples and grapes can be served with roast as garnish, or you can turn them into sauce with the help of your blender. You can put the sauce over the meat and make a new garnish.
Carnea a fost foarte aromata, putin astringenta. Merele si strugurii au dat un gust dulce-acrisor sosului.
The meat was very flavorful, slightly astringent. Apples and grapes gave a sweet and sour taste to my sauce.
Bon appétit!