Carne de vita / Beef

Hachis parmentier

 Nu mi-a placut niciodata limba franceza prea mult. Poate din cauza ca nu am avut profesori care sa ma faca sa o iubesc. Cu toate acestea am invatat-o pentru ca trebuia si incepand din 2007 imi e de mare ajutor.
Atunci am vizitat prima data Franta. O sa-mi aduc aminte mereu cu mare placere de Amiens si de clipele frumoase petrecute acolo, de Paris si tot ce e parizian. Iubesc Parisul si m-as intoarce oricand sa-l mai vad o data, si inca o data si inca o data…
Primele zile in Amiens au fost triste pentru mine. Incepusem sa lucrez de 2 zile pentru o companie multinationala care ma trimisese la training impreuna cu doua colege pe care abia le cunoscusem. A fost o experienta care acum ma face sa zambesc dar la vremea aceea, fiind primul meu loc de munca, nu a fost cat de putin amuzant.
Am avut nenumarate discutii cu ele din cauza mancarii ce ne fusese asigurata la hotel de catre firma si despre multe altele.
Asa am inceput sa experimentam mancaruri, gusturi noi si retete inedite. Am gustat foarte multe feluri de mancare iar dintre cele preferate de mine am ales sa gatesc si acasa Hachis Parmentier. Poate nu pare cine stie ce dar este usor de gatit si gustos.


– 500 g carne de vita fiarta
– 300 ml lapte
– 2 morcovi
– 2 linguri de seminte de susan
– oregano
– piper boabe
– sare
– 2 linguri ulei de masline
– 1 kg cartofi (din care se va prepara piure cu 50g unt si lapte)
– pesmet

I never liked French too much.  Maybe because I didn’t have teachers who could have made love it. But I learned it because I had to and since 2007 is very helpful for me and my job. In 2007 I visited France for the first time. I will always remember Amiens and the moments spent there with a great pleasure, Paris and everything which is parisienne. I love Paris and I would always come back to visit it again and again, and again…
The first days in Amiens were quite sad for me. I begun to work for 2 days for a international corporation which sent me to a training with two of my colleagues whom were new just like me. It was an experience which now makes me smile but back then, being my first job, wasn’t funny at all. 
I had many discussions with them because of the food which was assured by our company in hotel’s restaurant and also about different things.
That’s how we begun to try dishes, new flavors and exquisite recipes. I’ve tasted many dishes but I chose to cook home one of my favorites Hachis Parmentier. It’s not something very special but it’s easy to cook and very tasty.  
– 500g boiled beef
– 300 ml milk
– 2 carrots
– 2 spoons of sesame
– oregano
– peppercorns
– salt
– 2 spoons of olive oil
– 1 kg of potatoes ( we will prepare mashed potatoes with 50g of butter and milk)
– crumbs

Taiem carnea de vita fiarta si morcovii. Se pun intr-un vas termorezistent si se adauga laptele, susanul, uleiul si condimentele. Se pune in cuptorul preincalzit si se lasa pana cand laptele incepe sa scada iar carnea fierbe impreuna cu restul ingredientelor. Intre timp se face piureul de cartofi care se va adauga in vas. Se presara pesmet si se da la cuptor pana cand face o crusta aurie.

We cut the boiled beef and the carrots. We put them into a thermoresistant recipient and we add the milk, sesame, oil and the condiments. We put the recipient into the preheated oven and we let it until the milk begins to evaporate and the beef is boiling with the other ingredients. Meanwhile we smash the potatoes which will be put into the thermoresistant recipient. We sprinkle the crumbs and we put the recipient back into the oven until the potatoes will have a nice golden color. 

Puteti incerca sa amestecati piureul de cartofi cu branza. Eu am preferat varianta mai usoara deoarece deja aveam carnea si mi s-a parut suficient.

You can try to combine the smashed potatoes with cheese. I preferred the light version because we had beef and it was in off. 

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