Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Gulas de porc / Pork goulash

La multi, multi ani, Romania! Azi este Ziua Nationala a Romaniei, o zi incarcata de istorie pentru poporul roman.

Sper ca ati petrecut frumos si ca frigul nu v-a tinut in casa.

Ca si anul trecut, de 1 decembrie, incep seria retetelor de iarna si pentru Sarbatorile de iarna.
Prima reteta este de data aceasta una foarte populara: gulas de porc. Cunosc mai multe variante de gulas. Aceasta este cea pe care o facea strabunica mea si care mie imi place tare mult.
– 500 g carnat afumat de casa
– 500 g muschi de porc
– 2-3 linguri de ulei
– 3 cepe
– 3-4 ardei rosii sau 300 g pasta de ardei rosu
– 250 ml bulion de rosii
– boia dulce si iute
– foi de dafin
– piper boabe
– seminte de chimen
– 2 catei de usturoi
– 1 ardei iute (optional)
Happy, happy anniversary, Romania! Today is National Day of Romania, a day filled with history for the Romanian people.
I hope that you spent a wonderful time today and not you weren’t kept in the house by the cold weather.
Like last year, in December 1, I begin the series of winter recipes and for winter holidays.
The first recipe is a very popular one: pork goulash. I know several versions of goulash. This is my grand-grandmother’s and that I like very much.
– 500 g homemade smoked sausage 
– 500 g pork fillet
– 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
– 3 onions
– 3-4 red pepper or 300 g red pepper paste
– 250 ml tomato paste
– sweet and hot paprika
– bay leaves
– pepper seeds
– seeds of cumin
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 1 hot pepper (optional)

Daca aveti carnat afumat de casa nu ezitati sa-l folositi! Gulasul va avea un gust exceptional. Nimic nu se compara cu un mezel traditional bine facut.If you have homemade smoked sausage do not hesitate to use it! Goulash will taste great. Nothing compares with a well done traditional charcuterie.

 Muschiul de porc nu trebuie sa fie cu prea multa grasime. Il vom taia bucatele mici pentru a se patrunde bine cand se caleste.
Pork muscle shouldn’t have too much fat. We will cut it in small pieces in order to be cooked better when we will temper it.

Taiem carnatul in felii potrivite sau in bucati mai mari. We will cut the sausage in medium size slices or in bigger pieces.

Tocam si ceapa marunt, marunt si o punem in cratita unde avem muschiul si feliile de carnat.
We’ll chop the onion very finely and we’ll put it in the pan where we have muscle pieces and sausage slices.

Adaugam uleiul si punem cratita pe foc. Calim muschiul, carnatul si ceapa timp de 10 minute la foc mediu, amestecand in continuu.We’ll add the oil in the pan and we’ll put it on the stove. We’ll temper the pork fillet, the sausage and onion  for 10 minutes at medium heat, stirring constantly.

Cu 2-3 minute inainte de a lua cratita de pe foc vom adauga boia de ardei. Amestecam bine. Daca vom lasa la calit prea mult dupa ce am adaugat boia, amestecul va deveni amar. With 2-3 minutes before taking the pan aside we’ll add paprika. Stir well. If we let it temper too much after we’ve added paprika, the mixture will become bitter.

Adaugam ardeiul, piperul, cartofii si apa dupa care punem cratita inapoi pe foc si lasam sa fiarba. Cand cartofii sunt aproape fierti vom pune bulionul, foile de dafin, chimen, usturoiul tocat si ardeiul iute. Dupa ce gulasul a fiert se trage de pe foc si se lasa 10-15 minute pentru ca aromele sa se combine.
Apoi il servim cald, alaturi de muraturi asortate sau castraveti murati.
Add the red pepper, pepper grains, potatoes and water and then put the pan back on the stove and let it boil. When potatoes are almost cooked we put the tomato paste, bay leaves, cumin, chopped garlic and chili pepper. After cooking the goulash comes will be taken aside and we will allow 10-15 minutes for the flavors to combine.
Then serve it hot with assorted pickles or pickled cucumbers.

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