Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Gasca umpluta la cuptor / Stuffed Roast Goose

Mai avem 11 zile pana la Craciun. Sunt nerabdatoare. Am inceput sa numar zilele pana la vacanta.
In fiecare an sunt fermecata de lumini, braduti, ornamente si tot ce are legatura cu minunata Sarbatoare a Craciunului. Dupa ce aceasta trece mi se pare ca totul este gol. Parca nu mai exista nimic pana la venirea primaverii. Nu mai are ce sa ne bucure: e frig, e intuneric, e trist. Si toate astea dupa veselia Craciunului.
Este perioada anului in care invariabil ma gandesc la povestile lui Andersen. Cea mai trista poveste a lui ” Fetita cu chibrituri” parca se repeta la nesfarsit in gandul meu. Cred ca este povestea care m-a impresionat cel mai mult cand eram mica.
Cu gandul la Andersen si povestile lui mi-am propus ca anul acesta sa pregatesc gasca umpluta la cuptor. Am gasit relativ usor gasca. Reteta in schimb a fost greu de ales!

– 1 gasca de 3-4 kg
– pipota, ficatul, inima gastei
– 250 g prune uscate
– 250 g stafide
– 250 g caise uscate
– 4 mere
– frunze de dafin
– 250 ml vin alb

We still have 11 days left until Christmas. I’m keen. I started to count the days until winter holidays. Every year I’m amazed by the lights, Christmas trees, ornaments and all that is related to this wonderful holiday, Christmas.
After the Christmas is over, all seems empty. It’s just like there is nothing left until the spring comes. We don’t have anything left to make us happy: it’s cold, it’s dark, it’s sad. And all of these after the Christmas joy.
It’s the period of the year in which I’m always thinking about Andersen’s stories. It’s just like his saddest story, “The Little Match Girl” is repeated over and over again in my head . This is the story that impressed me the most when I was little and that made me think about other kids, poor and sad.
Thinking about Andersen and his stories  inspired by the Nordic culture, I wished to cook this year stuffed roast goose. I found goose quite easy. The recipe instead was difficult to choose!
– 1 goose of 3-4 kg
– goose’s gizzard, liver and heart
– 250 g dried plums
– 250 g raisins
– 250 g dried apricots
– 4apples
– bay leaves
– 250 ml white wine

Pipota, ficatul si inima gastei se spala, se taie si se fierb.
Apa in care acestea au fiert se pastreaza. Prunele uscate, stafidele si caisele se vor pune la rehidratat in aceasta apa timp de 15 minute.

Goose’s gizzard, liver and heart are washed, cut and boiled.
The water in which we boiled them will be kept. Dried plums, raisins and apricots are put for 15 minutes in this water to rehydrate.

Maruntaiele fierte se toaca fie cu un blender, fie cu masina de tocat.

Boiled organs must be minced with a blender or with a meat grinder.

Merele se spala, se curata de coaja si se taie in bucati mici.

The apples will be washed, peeled off and cut in small pieces.

Fructele rehidratate se scurg de apa si se pun impreuna cu merele peste organele tocate. Se amesteca bine obtinandu-se astfel umplutura pentru gasca.

Rehydrated fruits will be drained of water and will be put with the apples over the minced organs. We mix well and we’ll obtain goose’s filling.

Gasca se spala bine. Surplusul de apa din interior se indepateaza cu un prosop curat sau hartie absorbanta. Se umple cu ajutorul unei linguri. Apoi se coase. Eu nu am cusut-o si am intampinat cateva probleme cu umplutura, asa ca invatati din greselile altora! 🙂

Goose will be washed very well. Extra water from inside will be absorbed with a towel or with absorbent paper. Goose will be filled with a tablespoon. Then we will sew it. I didn’t sew it and I had some problems with the filling, so, learn from others’ mistakes! 🙂

Gasca se pune intr-o tava. Se adauga 1.5-2 l de apa, vin si foi de dafin. Se acopera cu foaie de aluminiu si se  baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Eu am lasat-o timp de 4 ore la temperatura medie. Am intors-o de doua ori si am stropit-o cu sos. In ultimele 15 minute se va lasa descoperita pentru a se rumeni.

Goose will be put in a tray. We’ll add 1.5 – 2 l of water, wine and bay leaves. It will be covered with an aluminum sheet and put in the preheated oven. I left it there for 4 hours at medium temperature. I turned it on the other side twice and I splashed it with sauce. In the last 15 minutes we will let it uncovered to parch. 
Gasca a iesit delicioasa. Sper sa va convinga si pe voi ca este o alternativa la obisnuita friptura de porc.
The goose was delicious. I hope that it will convince you that is an alternative for the usual roasted pork.

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