Ciorbe si supe / Soups

Galuste pufoase de gris/ Semolina fluffy dumplings

Toamna si-a intrat in drepturi in forta. Cu toate ca vreau sa trec peste faptul ca este foarte frig, ploua si nu am mai vazut de ceva timp soarele, totusi se pare ca ma incearca o raceala, asa ca eforturile mele sunt zadarnice. Ce toamna respectabila ar mai fi daca nu ar exista raceli? Asa ca mi-am zis ca o supa fierbinte cu galuste de gris ar rezolva problema.
Nu am sa insist asupra supei. Toata lumea stie sa fiarba putina carne, cateva radacinoase si o ceapa. Dar galustele de gris sunt o adevarata loterie. Am vazut multe retete de galuste-cu ulei in compozitie, grasime, bicarbonat sau chiar praf de copt! Eu va propun reteta simpla care a dat gres o singura data-din cauza neatentiei mele (a se consemna ca am recunoscut-greseala recunoscuta e pe jumatate iertata!)
Autumn is legit now and it entered quite rough. Although I want to get over the fact that it’s very cold, it rains an I didn’t see the sun for a while now, it seems that I will catch a cold, so my efforts are useless. What a fall would we have if we don’t have any colds? So I said to myself that a hot soup with semolina dumplings will solve the problem. 
I will not insist with the soup. Everybody knows to boil some meat, some root vegetables and an onion. But semolina dumplings are a real lottery. I saw many semolina dumplings recipes-with sunflower oil in composition, with fat, sodium bicarbonate or even baking powder! I’m proposing you the simple recipe that failed only once-because I was careless (write down that I admitted-a mistake admitted is half forgiven!).

– 3 oua
– 15 linguri cu varf de gris (17 daca ouale sunt mari)
– sare
– piper
– 3 eggs
– 15 full tablespoons of semolina (17 if the eggs are big)
– salt
– pepper

Bateti ouale ca pentru omleta impreuna cu piperul si sarea.
Beat the eggs as you would beat them for omelet, together with salt and pepper.  

Adaugati grisul si amestecati cu grija pentru a nu forma cocoloase. Lasati compozitia sa stea 10 minute inainte de a forma galustele. In acest timp grisul se va umfla putin.
Add semolina and stir carefully not to form any lumps. Let the composition to rest for 10 minutes before forming the dumplings. In this time semolina will get a little bit inflated.

Cand luam vasul cu supa de pe foc vom adauga 300 ml de apa rece pentru a opri fierberea. Apoi bagam lingura care ne va ajuta sa formam galustele in supa fierbinte. Dupa doua minute scoatem lingura si incepem sa formam galustele. Nu puneti mai mult de jumatate de lingura de compozitie pentru ca vom obtine galuste foarte mari. Asteptati pana compozitia se desprinde de lingura. Dupa ce ati terminat de pus toata compozitia vasul se pune din nou la foc. Galustele se fierb timp de 10 minute la foc potrivit.
When we will take the pot aside we will add 300 ml of cold water to stop the boiling. After that we will introduce the tablespoon which will be used to form the dumplings in the hot soup. After two minutes we will take out the tablespoon and we will start to form the dumplings. Don’t put more than half of tablespoon of composition once because we’ll obtain very big dumplings. Wait until the composition comes off the tablespoon. After you finished to put all the composition, the pot will be put on the stove again. The dumplings will be boiled for 10 minutes at medium fire.

Dupa ce galustele s-au fiert, vasul se acopera cu un capac. Pentru ca acestea sa fie pufoase este necesar sa se imbibe cu supa si astfel se vor duce la fundul vasului. Cand galustele s-au dus la fundul vasului supa poate fi servita. Ca si perioada de asteptare as spune 15-20 minute sau mai mult, in functie de grisul folosit.
After the dumplings were boiled, the pot will be covered with a lid. In order to be fluffy the dumplings have to soak with soup and they will go to pot’s bottom. When they are at pot’s bottom, the soup can be served. As a period of time for waiting until the dumplings are soaked I would say 15-20 minutes or more, depending on what type of semolina you used.

Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!

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