Friptura de miel / Roast lamb
Si fara urma de modestie, trebuie sa va spun ca a iesit delicioasa!
Nu stiu daca e tocmai sezonul potrivit pentru reteta asta dar probabil ca si voi mai aveti prin congelator carne de miel de la Paste, asa ca mine.
– 2 pulpe de miel (de aprox. 1.5 kg)
– 1.5 l vin alb demisec
– foi de dafin
– piper mozaic
-apa (optional)
And without a trace of modesty, I have to say that it came out delicious!
I do not know if it’s the right recipe for this season but you probably have in the freezer some lamb from Easter, just like I did.
– 2 legs of lamb (approx. 1.5 kg each)
– 1.5 l semi-dry white wine
– bay leaves
– mosaic pepper
–water (optional)
Am preparat o marinata din jumatate din cantitatea de vin si condimente. Am pus-o intr-un bol cu peretii inalti dupa care am pus carnea de miel. Aceasta trebuie sa fie acoperita de marinata.
Am pus folie alimentara peste bol dupa care l-am bagat in frigider.
Carnea a stat la marinat in jur de 12 ore.
I prepared a marinade with half of quantity of wine and spices. I put it in a bowl with high walls and then I put the lamb. Meat should be covered with marinade.
I put plastic foil over the bowl and after I put it in the refrigerator.
The meat was marinated for about 12 hours.
Carnea se scoate din marinata si se pune intr-o tava. Se adauga tarhon proaspat si putin piper dupa care se toarna vinul. Eu am mai adaugat si o ceasca de apa. Apoi tava se pune in cuptor.
Carnea se intoarce de pe o parte pe alta de cateva ori pana cand se rumeneste frumos. Eu am pregatit-o la foc mic, asa ca a durat destul de mult pana a fost gata (in jur de 3 ore).
Remove meat from the marinade and put it in a pan. Add fresh tarragon and pepper and then put the rest of the wine. I added a cup of water. Then it put the tray in the oven.
The meat must be turned from side to side several times until it browns nicely. I prepared it with small fire, so it took quite long before it was ready (about 3 hours).
Carnea a fost foarte frageda, nu a avut miros patrunzator si nu a ramas cu multa grasime.
The meat was very tender, had no smell and didn’t left too much fat.
Noi am servit aceasta friptura de miel cu niste salata verde si garnitura de legume la abur. Delicios!
We served the roasted lamb with some salad and garnish of steamed vegetables. Delicious!