Friptura de ied cu legume / Roast kid goat with vegetables
A trecut ceva timp de cand nu am mai postat nici o reteta. Dupa ce au trecut atat aniversarea mea cat si a sotului dar si Pastele am gasit in sfarsit putin timp sa va povestesc despre o reteta delicioasa de friptura de ied. E tare simplu de facut.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– 2 kg carne de ied
– 1.5 l vin rose
– 1 kg morcovi
– 500 g pastarnac
-ciuperci pleurotus
– piper
-foi de dafin
It’s been a while since I posted the last recipe. After my birthday and my husband birthday have passed and also Easter I finally found some time to tell you about a delicious recipe for roast goat. It’s so easy to make.
Here are the ingredients I used:
– 2 kg goat meat
– 1.5 l rose wine
– 1 kg carrots
– 500 g parsnips
-oyster mushrooms
– pepper
-bay leaves
Carnea se spala si se pune intr-o caserola sau cratita ce are capac. Se adauga 500 ml de vin, enibahar, piper, rozmarin si foi de dafin. Apoi se pune capacul si se baga la frigider pentru cel putin 6 ore. Ideal ar fi sa fie lasata de pe-o zi pe alta.
Wash the meat and place it in a casserole or saucepan that has a lid. Add 500 ml of wine, allspice, pepper, rosemary and bay leaves. Then put the lid and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. Ideally should be left on a day to day.
Dupa ce carnea a fost scoasa de la fezandat se pune intr-un vas de ceramica impreuna cu morcovii, pastarnacul si ciupercile si se toarna 1 litru de vin. Se adauga rozmarin, sare, piper si enibahar dupa care se acopera vasul si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Friptura se va face la foc mic pentru inceput acoperita iar in ultimele 20 de minute fara capac sau folie de aluminiu pentru a se rumeni frumos.
When the meat was removed from casserole was put in a ceramic dish with carrots, parsnips and mushrooms and 1 liter of wine was poured. I added rosemary, salt, pepper and allspice then I covered the dish and placed it in preheated oven. Meat was covered and was cooked at low heat in the beginning and the last 20 minutes without lid or aluminum foil to brown nicely.
Puteti sa adaugati unul sau doi catei de usturoi daca doriti. Noua ne-a placut mult deoarece carnea a fost foarte frageda iar legumele au dat un gust deosebit atat acesteia cat si sosului.
Friptura a fost gata in cca 2 ore insa trebuie sa fiti atenti deoarece depinde mult de cat de frageda este carnea dar si de cuptorul folosit.
You can add one or two cloves of garlic if desired. We liked this dish because the meat was very tender and the vegetables and sauce had a wonderful taste.
Steak was ready in about 2 hours but you must be careful because it depends on how tender is the meat and also what kind of oven you use.
Bon appétit!