Patiserie / Patisserie

Ficelles picardes

Azi a fost o zi de toamna superba. Ma intreb cat va mai dura pana cand iarna isi va intra in drepturi?
Chiar daca vremea a fost frumoasa eu deja ma pregatesc intens pentru Sarbatorile de Iarna. Astept Craciunul cu tot ceea ce inseamna el!
Pentru azi am ales o reteta care imi place foarte mult si care imi aduce aminte de o perioada foarte frumoasa petrecuta in Picardie, Franta. 🙂
Ingrediente pentru clatite (ficelles):
– 250 g faina
– 20 g unt
– 1 ou
– 350 ml lapte
– sare

Ingrediente pentru sos:
– 250 ml lapte
– 20 g unt
– 75 g branza Edam
– 150 g branza Emmentaler
Ingrediente pentru umplutura:
– 7-8 felii de muschi de porc
– 300 g ciuperci champignon
– 1 ceapa
– 75 g branza Edam
– 3 linguri smantana

Today it was a nice and warm autumn day. I wonder how long it will take until the winter will come?
Although the weather was warm I’m preparing intensely for winter holidays. I’m waiting for Christmas with all that it means!
For today I chose a recipe that I love so much and that brings sweet memories about a wonderful period spent in Picardie, France.
Ingredients for pancakes (ficelles):
– 250 g flour
– 20 g butter
– 1 egg
– 350 ml milk
– salt
Ingredients for sauce:
– 250 ml milk
– 20 g butter
– 75 g Edam cheese
– 150 g Emmentaler cheese
Ingredients for filling:
– 7-8 slices ofpork fillet
– 300 g champignon mushrooms
– 1onion
– 75 g Edam cheese
– 3 tablespoons of fresh cream

Se amesteca untul (aflat la temperatura camerei) cu oul.

We mix the butter (which is at room’s temperature) with the egg.

Se incorporeaza faina dupa care se adauga laptele si se omogenizeaza. Apoi clatitele se vor coace intr-o tigaie antiaderenta.
We’ll add the flour and we mix well. After that, we’ll add the milk and we’ll homogenize the composition. The pancakes will be baked in a non adhesive pan. 

Curatam ciupercile si ceapa, le taiem marunt si le punem intr-un castron.

We peel off the mushrooms and the onion, we cut them finely and we put them into a bowl.

Adaugam branza Edam taiata marunt si smantana si amestecam.

We’ll add Edam cheese finely chopped and cream and we mix.

Punem pe fiecare clatita cate o bucata de muschi.

On each pancake we’ll put a slice of pork fillet.

Se adauga umplutura peste felia de muschi.

We’ll put the filling on the slice of fillet.

Clatita se ruleaza si se asaza intr-un vas ceramic pentru gratinat, uns in prealabil cu unt.

The pancake will be rolled and put into a ceramic recipient, specially made to gratinate the food in it.The recipient has to be greased with butter before we put the pancakes.

Clatitele se asaza intr-un singur strat.

Pancakes will be put into a single layer. 

Se prepara sosul. Se incalzeste laptele dupa care se adauga cele doua tipuri de branza si untul si se amesteca bine pana cand sosul devine omogen.

We’ll prepare the sauce. We’ll put milk in the pan and we warm it. We’ll add the two types of cheese and butter and we mix well so that the sauce to become homogeneous.

Sosul se pune peste clatite. Vasul se baga in cuptorul preincalzit si se lasa cca 20-30 de minute.

The sauce will be put on the pancakes. The recipient will be put in the preheated oven and left there for 20-30 minutes.

Cand ficelles sunt gata vor arata ca in imagine.

When the ficelles are baked they will look like the ones in the image.

Mai are cineva vreun dubiu ca acest tip de mancare este minunat? Daca da, incercati-l! 🙂
Is there someone who has doubts that this type of food is wonderful? If the answer is yes, try it! 🙂

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