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Dulceata de kumquats cu vanilie/Kumquats confiture with vanilla

Am cumparat acum cateva saptamani o cutie de kumkuats pe care am tot mutat-o prin frigider. La inceput mi s-au parut prea verzi, apoi am fost racita, a venit Craciunul si multe alte chestii care m-au impiedicat sa pregatesc ceva cu ele.
In weekendul trecut mi-am facut vreme si am pregatit o dulceata minunata si aromata.

I bought a few weeks ago a box of kumquats which I have moved in the fridge for some time. At first I thought they were too green, then I caught a cold, Christmas came and many other things that made me not to prepare something with them.
Last weekend I took my time and I prepared a wonderful and flavored confiture.

Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:

– 250 g zahar
– 200 ml de apa
– 200 g kumquats
– 1 pastaie de vanilie
Here are the ingredients that I used:
– 250 g sugar
– 200 ml of water
– 200 g kumquats
– 1 vanilla pod

Am pus fructele in apa calda de mai multe ori, de fiecare data lasandu-le cam 10-15 minute. Astfel m-am asigurat ca nu mai au ceara pe coaja si ca le pot folosi intregi. Am intepat fiecare fruct cu o scobitoare si le-am pus pe o farfurie.
Intr-un vas am pus la incalzit apa, zaharul si pastaia de vanilie. Cand siropul a ajuns la 60-70 de grade Celsius am adaugat fructele. Am fiert fructele si siropul timp de 35-40 de minute. Avand termometru pentru zahar am stiut ca siropul odata ajuns la 120-125 de grade Celsius dulceata mea este gata. Daca nu aveti termometru nu va ingrijorati – dulceata este fiarta atunci cand siropul nu mai curge de pe farfuria intinsa unde am pus cateva picaturi.
I put the fruit in warm water several times, each time leaving them 10-15 minutes. So I made sure to not have wax on the skin and that I could use the entire fruit. I pricked each fruit with a toothpick and put them on a plate.
In a pan I put to boil the water, sugar and vanilla bean. When the syrup has reached 60-70 Celsius degrees  I added the fruits. I boiled the fruits and syrup for 35-40 minutes. With the sugar thermometer  I knew that when the syrup reached 120-125 Celsius degrees  my confiture is ready. If you have no thermometer, do not worry – the confiture  is boiled when the syrup is not flowing from the plate on which I put a few drops in order to try if it’s ready to be taken aside.

Daca aveti mai multe fructe decat mine, dublati, triplati cantitatile si veti obtine o dulceata la fel de buna.
Eu am pus-o intr-un borcan dar voi o puteti servi calduta, pe o felie de paine prajita cu unt, intr-o clatita, pe o gogoasa sau cum vreti voi. In mod clar as asocia-o si cu un ceai cald de citrice!
Poate asa alungam pacostea asta de iarna! 😉
If you have more fruits than I did, double, triple quantities and you’ll get a confiture as good as I did.
I put it in a jar but you can serve it warm on a slice of toast with butter, on a pancake, on a donut or with whatever you want. Clearly I would associate it with a citrus hot tea!
Maybe that this way we’ll chase the winter! 😉

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

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