Dulceata de cirese amare/Black cherries confiture
Vara si-a intrat in sfarsit in drepturi. Am asteptat-o nerabdatoare sperand ca imi va schimba starea melancolica pe care o aveam. Si nu m-am inselat-chiar a reusit!
Vara e anotimpul meu preferat. Probabil ca soarele, verdeata si serile parfumate sunt tot ce am avut nevoie ca sa ma intorc la pasiunile mele: blogul si fotografia. Mi-a fost dor de ele dar atunci cand nu simti ca iubesti ceea ce faci mai bine te opresti. Asa am simtit si eu cateva saptamani bune. Nu am explicatii si nici nu am incercat sa inteleg. Pur si simplu s-a intamplat. Acum, cand lucrurile s-au limpezit, va spun ca sunt pregatita pentru noi provocari. Prima dintre ele a fost dulceata de cirese amare.
Summer is finally here. I waited for it anxiously hoping that it would change the melancholic mood that I had. And I wasn’t wrong-it did!
Summer is my favorite season. Perhaps the sun, greenery and scented evenings were all that I needed to get back to my passions: photography and blogging. I missed it but when you don’t feel that you love what you do just stop. I felt this few weeks ago. I don’t have any explanations and I am not trying to understand. It just happened. Now that things have cleared, I can say that I’m ready for new challenges. The first one was the black cherries confiture.
Pentru dulceata am folsit urmatoarele ingrediente:
– 1.5 kg cirese amare fara samburi
– 1 kg zahar
– 1 lamaie
For confiture I used the following ingredients:
-1.5 kg seedless black cherries
-1 kg sugar
-1 lemon
Daca nu aveti o prietena (asa cum o am eu pe Simona :D) care sa va faca rost de cirese amare salbatice, cautati-le fie in piata sau intr-o padure. Nu neg faptul ca am avut nevoie de multa rabdare, perseverenta si determinare ca sa fac portia asta de dulceata, plus inca una ceva mai maricica! Odata ce ati scapat de samburii mititei totul e floare la ureche. Pana acolo insa…e usturator de plictisitor (migalos, enervant, etc.). Sa nu ziceti ca nu v-am spus – echipament negru obligatoriu si manusi de chirurg! :))
If you do not have a good friend (as I have Simona: D) to get you some wild black cherries, look for them either in the market or in a forest. I do not deny that I needed a lot of patience, perseverance and determination to make this portion of confiture, plus another one, a little bit bigger! Once you have got rid of the pits everything becomes so easy. Until then everything is so … boring (painstakingly annoying, etc.). Don’t say that I didn’t told you – black equipment and surgeon gloves required! :))
Vom stoarce lamaia si pregatim vasul in care vom fierbe dulceata. Vom aseza alternativ straturi de cirese si zahar in vas. Fiecare strat de cirese se va stropi cu putina zeama de lamaie dupa care se pune zahar.
Vasul se pune la foc mic si se amesteca cat mai putin posibil pentru a pastra fructele intregi. De aceea este de preferat ca vasul folosit sa aiba fund dublu sau sa aiba un strat antiaderent.
We will squeeze the lemon and prepare the dish that will be used to boil the confiture. We will alternate layers of cherries and sugar in the dish. Each layer of cherries will be sprinkled with some lemon juice, then some sugar is spreaded.
Place the dish on the stove at low heat and stir as little as possible to keep the fruit whole. It is therefore preferred that the dish that will be used to have a double bottom or to have a non-stick coating.
Spuma formata de dulceata in timpul fierberii se ia cu o spumiera.
Dulceata este gata atunci cand fructele plutesc la suprafata. Pentru a vedea consistenta siropului puneti cateva picaturi pe o farfurioara si lasati-le 2-3 minute. Daca acestea nu curg de pe farfurioara in momentul in care e inclinata, dulceata este gata. Eu am preferat ca dulceata mea sa fie mai densa, cu sirop mai gros si cu multe fructe.
Dulceata se pune fierbinte in borcane curate si uscate. acestea se asaza cu fundul in sus si se acopera cu un prosop sau se sterilizeaza timp de 10 minute la bain marie(din momentul in care apa a inceput sa fiarba).
The foam formed during the confiture’s boiling is taken away with a slotted spoon.
The confiture is ready when the fruits are floating on the surface. To see the consistency of syrup pour a few drops on a saucer and leave it for 2-3 minutes. If they do not come off when the dish is angled, the confiture is ready. I preferred my syrup to be thicker, and the confiture to have many fruits.
The confiture will be put hot in clean and dry jars. Put them upside down and cover with a towel or sterilize them for 10 minutes in bain marie (since water began to boil).
Bon appetit! 🙂