Carne de ied sau capra

Drob de ied si ficat de pui/ Goatling and chicken liver haggis

Probabil ca va intrebati ce cauta aceasta reteta aici, acum. Dupa cum ati observat am cam chiulit in ultima vreme si acum incerc sa revin la bunul meu obicei de a posta macar doua retete pe saptamana. Si am o groaza de retete pe care vreau sa vi le arat. Unele dintre ele au fost gatite mai demult dar au fost atat de gustoase incat e pacat sa nu discutam putin despre ele.
Maruntaiele iedului au fost prea putine pentru cantitatea de drob pe care voiam sa o fac. Evident ca in comert nu am gasit sa cumpar si asa ca am fost nevoita sa adaug ficat de pui. A fost o idee buna deoarece nu a schimbat gustul placut al drobului de ied.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– organe de ied
-500g carne de ied
-1 kg ficat de pui
-300 ml supa
-2 oua crude
-ceapa verde, usturoi verde, patrunjel verde
-optional 3-4 oua fierte

You may be wondering why I put this recipe here, now. As you noticed I missed a lot lately and now I’m trying to return to my good habit to post at least two recipes per week. And I have a lot of recipes that I want to show you. Some of them have been cooked long ago and were so tasty that it’s a shame not to talk about them.
Goatling was not enough for the amount of haggis I wanted to cook. Obviously in supermakets I found nothing to buy and so I had to add chicken liver. It was a good idea because it did not change the taste of goatling haggis.
Here are the ingredients I used:
– organs of goatling
-500 g goatling meat
-1 kg chicken liver
-300 ml soup
-2 raw eggs
– green onions, green garlic, parsley
-optional 3.4-boiled eggs

Am spalat organele cu multa apa si le-am pus la fiert in oale separate in apa cu sare. Ficatul de pui s-a fiert foarte repede in timp ce carnea si organele de ied au fiert putin mai mult.I washed the goatling organs and chicken liver with plenty of water and I put them in separate pots to boil, in salted water. Chicken liver was cooked very quickly while the goat meat and organs boiled a little longer. 

Dupa ce s-au fiert, carnea si organele (de pui si ied) se lasa 15-20 de minute sa se raceasca dupa care se toaca la robot sau la masina de tocat. After you have bolied the meat and organs (chicken and goat) you will have to let them 15-20 minutes to cool off and then chop them with the food processor or meat grinder.

Dupa ce ati tocat carnea si maruntaiele, spalati bine verdeata si apoi tocati-o si pe aceasta.
After you’ve chopped meat and the organs, rinse well the veggies and then chop or grind them too.
Amestecam apoi carnea, verdeata impreuna cu ouale, supa si condimentele. Obtinem o pasta densa. Nu va fi grasa asa cum suntem obisnuiti in cazul mielului. Uitasem sa va spun ca supa trebuie sa fie de legume sau de pui. Nu este ceva complicat-e decat apa in care am fiert cateva legume gen morcov, ceapa si pastarnac sau o bucata de carne de pui. Sau poate chiar o combinatie dintre acestea.
Then mix the meat, veggies with eggs, soup and spices. You’ll get a stiff paste. There will be no fat as we were used with the lamb. I forgot to tell you that should be vegetables or chicken soup. It’s not complicated, it’s only water in which I boiled vegetables like carrots, onions and parsnips or a piece of chicken. Or maybe the eventual combination of all of these.

Compozitia se pune apoi in tavi mai mici. Puteti adauga oua fierte daca va plac iar deasupra sa puneti praporele sau grasime de pe burta iedului pentru ca drobul sa nu se usuce.
Apoi tavile se pun in cuptorul preincalzit si se lasa aproximativ o ora la foc mic. Drobul se va servi cald sau rece, dupa preferinte, neaparat cu salata sau legume proaspete.
The composition is then put in small trays. You can add boiled eggs if you like and above you can put belly fat so that the haggis wouldn’t dry in the oven.
Then put the trays in the preheated oven and leave them there at medium temperature for about an hour. Haggis will be served hot or cold, after preferences, with salad or vegetables.

Pofta buna! Bon Appétit!

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