Se apropie vacanta. Mai am o singura zi pana cand intru in concediu. Am inceput sa numar orele si ma bucur precum un copil! Imi doream foarte mult o vacanta si in sfarsit va veni ziua cea mare.
Dar nu pot pleca in vacanta chiar asa! Mai am cateva retete simple si gustoase pe care vreau sa vi le impartasesc.
Una dintre ele este atat de simpla si de gustoasa incat o veti indragi.
– 3-4 dovlecei de marime mijlocie
– 4 rosii
– o legatura de patrunjel
– 5-6 catei de usturoi
– 1 lingura de otet balsamic
– sare
– 100 ml ulei de floarea soarelui
The holiday is close. I have just one day until I’ll be in annual leave. I started to count the hours and to be as exultant as a child! I wanted a holiday so much and it’s finally coming.
But I won’t be leaving just like that! I have few more simple and tasty recipes to share with you.
One of those recipes is so simple and flavored and you’ll love it for sure.
– 3-4 medium zucchini
– 4 tomatoes
– parsley
– 5-6 garlic cloves
– 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar
– salt
– 100 ml sunflower oil
Spalam, curatam si taiem dovleceii. Punem uleiul intr-o tigaie si prajim dovleceii. Intre timp spalam si taiem rosiile si patrunjelul.
Dovleceii prajiti vor fi pusi intr-un recipient impreuna cu rosiile si patrunjelul. Dovleceii si rosiile vor lasa un suc si ulei. Nu aruncati acest sos. O sa intelegeti cand veti gusta!
Curatam cateii de usturoi si preparam un mujdei din usturoi, apa, sare si otet balsamic. Vom adauga mujdeiul peste amestecul de dovlecei, rosii, patrunjel si amestecam . Vom obtine un fel de mancare sau o garnitura pentru friptura. Simplu nu-i asa?
We wash, peel the zucchinis and we chop them. We put the oil into a pan and we’ll fry the zucchini.
In the meantime we wash and chop the tomatoes and the parsley.
The fried zucchini will be put into a recipient with the tomatoes and the parsley. Zucchini will let their juice and some oil into the recipient. Don’t throw that sauce away. You’ll understand why when you’ll taste this dish!
We peel the cloves and we prepare a garlic sauce with garlic, water, salt and balsamic vinegar.
We will add this sauce into the recipient with the zucchini, tomatoes and parsley. Mix them up with a spoon and you’ll have a tasty dish or a side dish for your roast. So simple isn’t it?
Poate va ganditi ce suveniruri va aduc din vacanta…ei bine, m-am gandit! O sa aveti o surpriza!
Maybe you think what I will bring you as a souvenir…well, I did think about it! You’ll have a surprise!