Desert grecesc/Greek dessert
Imi doream ca toamna sa mai astepte putin. In fiecare an as vrea ca vara sa se prelungeasca la nesfarsit. Poate pana la Craciun, ca e sarbatoarea mea preferata 🙂 Si uite asa incerc sa-mi alin dorul de mare, soare si caldura prin toate mijloacele posibile.
Uneori cu flori, alteori cu fotografii, cu retete de vara sau cu toate odata.
Azi vreau sa-mi amintesc de vacanta, de Grecia. Asa ca am ales o reteta simpla si tare gustoasa.
I wished that autumn waited a little. Every year I wish that summer to be prolonged indefinitely. Maybe until Christmas, because it’s my favorite holiday 🙂 And so I try to ease my longing of sea, sun and heat every way that I can.
Sometimes with flowers, other times with photos, with summer recipes or with all of them together.
Today I want to remember about my holiday, about Greece. So I chose a simple and delicious recipe.
Ingrediente (pentru doua portii)
– 250g iaurt grecesc
-6 lingurite de miere poliflora sau de pin
-o portocala
-2 smochine mari
-nuci uscate
Ingredients (for two servings)
-250g Greek yogurt
-6 teaspoons of poly floral or pine honey
-an orange
-2 big figs
-dried walnuts
Am stors portocala si am folosit sucul pentru a da smochinelor o aroma deosebita.
I squeezed the orange and I used the juice to give the figs a wonderful flavor.
Am taiat coditele si partea de jos a smochinelor si le-am pus intr-un vas impreuna cu sucul de portocale. Le-am fiert cateva minute, intorcandu-le pe toate partile.
I cut the upper and the bottom sides of figs and I put them in a pot with the orange juice. I boiled them for few minutes, rolling on all sides.
Dupa ce smochinele s-au racit, le taiem in forma de floare.
Desertul se pune in cupe incepand cu miere, cateva nuci, iaurtul, smochina, si in final din nou nuci si miere.
After the figs were cooled off, we will cut them like flowers.
The dessert is put in cups starting with honey, walnuts, yogurt, the fig, and in the end walnuts and honey again.
Pofta buna!
This dessert is very simple and surprising, engaging and with few ingredients. It’s worth to try it.
Bon appetit!