Desert / Dessert

Crumble de caise/Apricot crumble

Nu stiu daca v-a fost dor sau nu de retetele mele dar m-am gandit ca poate mai sunt si altii ca mine. Adica nu foarte harnici 🙂 Am pregatit in ultimele zile cateva retete de vara, care nu mi-au dat mari batai de cap si nu am avut nevoie de ingrediente scumpe.
Prima reteta este cea de crumble de caise facut cu tot ceea ce s-a gasit prin casa.
I don’t know if you missed my recipes or not but I thought maybe there are others also like me. I mean they are not very diligent 🙂 I prepared a few summer recipes these days, which didn’t gave me great trouble and I didn’t need expensive ingredients.
The first recipe is the apricot crumble made ​​with what was found in the house.

-100 g unt
-100 g biscuiti
-100 g cereale si fructe uscate
– 8-9 caise coapte
– 3-4 linguri de zahar
– vanilie
-100 g butter
-100 g biscuits
-100 g cereals and dried fruits
– 8-9 ripe apricots
– 3-4 tablespoons of sugar
– vanilla

Eu am avut niste caise de la mama. Au fost foarte aromate dar nu prea frumoase. Ultimele ploi din iunie nu le-au facut prea bine…
Am spalat caisele bine pentru ca reteta mea cerea ca fructele sa aiba coaja, am scos samburii si le-am taiat in bucati potrivite.
I had some apricots from my mother. They were very flavorful but not too beautiful. June rains have not done too well …
I washed the apricots very good because my recipe said that the fruits should have skin, I took the kernels out and cut them in medium pieces.

Intr-o tigaie teflonata se topeste untul dupa care se pun biscuitii sfaramati grosier si cerealele. Se amesteca bine. Dupa 3-4 minute tigaia se ia de pe foc. Amestecul se lasa putin la racorit.
In a teflon pan melt the butter then put biscuits coarse crumble and the cereals. Stir well. After 3-4 minutes take the pan off the stove. Leave the  mix a little bit to cool off.

Am folosit forme individuale rezistente la temperaturi mari. In fiecare forma am pus un strat de amestec de biscuiti si cereale, un strat de caise si in final din nou biscuiti cu cereale. Deasupra am presarat putin zahar si vanilie.
Formele se pun in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 C si se lasa timp de 15 minute. Apoi se scot si se lasa putin sa se raceasca. Crumble-ul se va servi simplu sau alaturi de inghetata preferata.
We used individual forms resistant to high temperatures. In every form I put a layer of biscuits and cereal mixture, a layer of apricot and finally grain and crackers mix again. On top I sprinkled a some sugar and vanilla.
Forms are put in preheated oven at 180 C and left there for 15 minutes. Then take them out and let them cool slightly. Crumble will be served simple or with your favorite ice cream.


Puteti sa faceti reteta cu orice fel de fruct de sezon cu pulpa si care este aromat 🙂
You can make this recipe with any seasonal fruit pulp and which is also flavorful 🙂
Bon appétit!

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