Fructe de mare si scoici / Mussels and crustacean

Creveti si scoici cu sos de branza Stilton/ Shrimps and mussels with Stilton cheese sauce

A venit momentul sa va arat ce au gatit gazdele noastre intr-una din serile petrecute in Suedia.
Mergand pe principiul “ce gasesti, mananci” ne-am apucat sa cautam scoici pe care le-am dus intr-o galeata acasa.

Well, it’s time to show you what our hosts cooked for us in one of the evenings in Sweden.
We decided to cook what we will find. So we searched for mussels and we took them home in a bucket.

Ingrediente de care avem nevoie pentru aceasta reteta:

– 500 g scoici curatate
– 500 g creveti curatati
– 100 ml apa
– 50 g branza Stilton (sau orice alta branza cu mucegai albastru)
– 100 ml lapte
– 100 ml smantana lichida
– 1 pahar de vin alb
– condimente pentru peste
– sare

Scoicile se pun la fiert pana cand se deschid. Cele care nu s-au deschis au fost moarte si vor trebui aruncate deoarece pot produce intoxicatii grave. Se curata si se pun pe o farfurie.
Noi am folosit creveti gata fierti, congelati pe care i-am curatat si i-am pus cateva minute la scurs.
Intr-o cratita se pun apa, condimentele si sarea. Se adauga apoi scoicile, crevetii si branza maruntita. Se amesteca bine dupa care se adauga laptele si smantana. Se lasa la fiert 10-15 minute amestecand incet.
In final se adauga vinul si se mai lasa 2-3 minute pe foc.
Ca si garnitura am avut paste. A fost delicios!
Multumesc celor ce mi-au dat voie sa postez aceasta reteta!

Ingredients for this recipe:
– 500 g mussels with their shells removed
– 500 g unshelled shrimps
– 100 ml of water
– 50 g of Stilton cheese (or any other blue cheese)
– 100 ml of milk
– 100 ml of liquid cream for cooking
– 1 glass of white wine
– condiments for fish
– salt
We boil the mussels until they open. The ones that didn’t open were dead and we will not use them because they can cause serious intoxications. After the mussels are unshelled we will put them on a plate.
We used boiled and frosted shrimps. We unshelled them and we put them into a strainer for few minutes.
Into a recipient we put the water, the condiments and the salt.  After that we have added the mussels, the shrimps and the crushed cheese. We mix them well with a spoon and we add the milk and the cream. We let them boil for 10-15 minutes mixing very slowly with a spoon. At the end we will add the wine and we will boil the sauce for 2 minutes.
We served the sauce with pasta. It was delicious!

Thank you for approving the post of this recipe!

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