In sfarsit ma pot declara multumita ca iarna s-a terminat! Astept de mult timp primavara. Sunt entuziasmata ca in curand vor fi multe flori, iarba si copacii vor fi verzi. Abia astept sa fiu mangaiata de soarele cald al primaverii!
Azi va aduc o reteta perfecta pentru un weekend de primavara. Nu aveti nevoie de multe ingrediente si timp pentru a prepara un desert delicios pentru familie inainte de a iesi la o plimbare – crema de ciocolata cu unt de cacao.
I am finally satisfied that winter is over! I have waited spring for long now. I am excited that soon there will be many flowers, grass and trees will be green. I can not wait to be caressed by the warm sun of spring!
Today I bring you a recipe for a spring weekend. You don’t need many ingredients and time to prepare a delicious dessert for the family before going for a walk – chocolate cream with cocoa butter.
Ingrediente (pentru doua portii):
– 3 linguri de zahar
– 7 linguri de cacao
-250 ml de lapte
– 1 lingura extract de vanilie
– 2 linguri de unt de cacao
– 1/2 lingura de miere
Intr-o craticioara se pun laptele si cele trei linguri de zahar dupa care se asaza pe foc. Se amesteca usor pana cand zaharul se topeste si laptele s-a incalzit. Se adauga pe rand cele sapte linguri de cacao, amestecand in continuu cu un tel. Compozitia va deveni omogena si in scurt timp va incepe sa fiarba. Se amesteca energic pentru a nu permite lipirea cremei. Cand aceasta s-a ingrosat se stinge focul. Apoi se adauga extractul de vanilie, cele doua linguri de unt de cacao si mierea. Se amesteca bine pentru a omogeniza si se lasa sa se racoreasca. Dupa 5-6 minute se pune crema in pahare si se decoreaza cu fructe proaspete sau chiar cirese din ciresata.
PS: Untul de cacao este sub forma solida la temperatura camerei. Eu am pus sticla in apa calda si l-am topit; asa am reusit sa pun cele doua linguri de unt in crema.
Ingredients (for two servings):
– 3 tablespoons sugar
– 7 tablespoons of cocoa
-250 Ml of milk
– 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
– 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter
– 1/2 tablespoon of honey
In a saucepan put milk and three tablespoons of sugar then put it on the stove. Mix gently until the sugar melts and milk is warm. Add in all the seven tablespoons of cocoa (one by one), stirring continuously with a whisk. Composition becomes homogeneous and soon begins to boil. Mix vigorously to prevent the sticking of cream. When it has thickened take the saucepan aside. Then add the vanilla extract, two tablespoons of cocoa butter and honey. Mix well to homogenize and leave it to cool off. After 5-6 minutes pour the cream into glasses and decorate with fresh fruits or cherry from alcohol.
PS: Cocoa butter is in solid form at room temperature. I put the bottle in hot water and I melted it, so I managed to put two tablespoons of cocoa butter in the cream.
Sa aveti o primavara minunata, plina de soare si flori!
Have a wonderful spring – with a lot of sunshine and flowers!
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