Carne si preparate din carne/organe de porc / Pork and pork organs

Creier in crusta / Cervelle en croute

Stiu, stiu…am lipsit mult. Ei bine, situatia nu sta mai bine ca acum cateva zile. Parca e mai rau. Sunt in continuare racita dar incerc sa fiu activa.
Am sa va povestesc azi putin despre o reteta care a fost surprinzator de gustoasa. Creierul in crusta a fost inca un experiment reusit in bucataria mea. Cred ca v-am mai povestit ca nu sunt mare fan creier si ca incerc sa-l fac macar cat de cat comestibil si pentru mine. Am reusit din nou!

– 1 kg creier de porc
– 200 g cascaval
– 100 g branza feta
– boia dulce
– piper
– cimbru
– patrunjel uscat
– 1 catel de usturoi
– 2 oua
– 150 g faina
– apa

I know, I know…I missed so much. Well, the situation it’s not better than few days ago. Maybe it’s even worse. I still have that flu but I’m trying to be active. 
Today I will tell you about a recipe that was surprisingly tasty. Cervelle en croute or pork brain in dough was another successful experiment in my kitchen. I think I told you before that I’m not a great fan of pork’s brain and that I’m trying to cook it at least edible for me. Well I did it again!
– 1 kg pork brain
– 200 g pressed cheese
– 100 g feta cheese
– sweet paprika
– pepper
– savory
– dried parsley
– 1 clove of garlic
– 2 eggs
– 150 g flour
– water

Creierul se fierbe in apa cu sare si o lingura de otet. Cand este fiert se pune intr-un bol. Adaugam branza feta rasa, boia, ouale, condimentele si usturoiul ras. Se amesteca bine cu o spatula sau cu mixerul.
The brain will be boiled in water with salt and a spoon of vinegar. When is boiled it will be put into a bowl. We’ll add grated feta cheese, paprika, eggs, condiments and grated garlic. We mix well with a spatula or the mixer.  

Pasta obtinuta se pune in vase pentru gratinat (eu am pus in cele pentru o persoana) si se presara cu cascaval ras. Vom folosi decat jumatate din cantitatea de cascaval.
The obtained paste is put in ceramic pots (I put in the pots for 1 person) and we spread grated pressed cheese. We’ll use only half of the quantity of grated pressed cheese.

Intr-un bol amestecam faina si jumatate din cantitatea de cascaval ras. Adaugam putina apa. Vom obtine un aluat nici prea moale, nici prea tare.

In a bowl we mix flour and half of the quantity of grated pressed cheese. We’ll add some water. In the end we’ll obtain a dough, not to soft, not to hard.

Aluatul se imparte in bucati. Numarul de bucati de coca este dat de numarul de vase de ceramica pe care il avem. Fiecare bucata se intinde pe masa cu putina faina. Apoi se asaza deasupra cascavalului ras din vase.
Vasele se pun in cuptorul preincalzit. Crusta se va coace la temperatura medie. Este gata atunci cand are o culoare aurie placuta.

Dough will be divided. The number of dough pieces is given by ceramic pots’ that we use number . Each piece of dough is stretched on the table with some flour. After that is put on the grated pressed cheese in each ceramic pot. 

The pots will be put in the preheated oven. The crust will be baked at medium temperature. It’s baked when it has  a nice golden color.

Asa am bifat inca o reteta pentru creier. Sunt incantata pentru ca am eliminat prajeala si , in plus, este si foarte bun.
So we made another recipe for brain. I’m glad that I eliminated the frying part and, in addition, it’s so good.

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