Peste si preparate din peste / Fish

Crap oglinda la gratar cu garnitura de couscous si legume / Grilled mirror carp with couscous and vegetables garnish

A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai scris nimic pe aici! Dar am un motiv bine intemeiat. Acum cateva luni va povesteam ca sunt pe cale de a realiza cel mai important proiect al carierei mele de pana acum. Ei bine, am reusit! Sunt extrem de fericita! 🙂
Si ca sa vedeti ca oboseala nu ma poate determina sa stau deoparte de pasiunile mele, azi am sa va povestesc putin despre o reteta numai buna pentru zilele de post ce urmeaza:  crap oglinda la gratar cu garnitura de couscous si legume.
It’s been a while since I wrote anything here! But I have a good reason. A few months ago I was telling you that I’m about to achieve the most important project of my career so far. Well, I did it! I am extremely happy! 🙂
And to see that fatigue can’t make stay away from my passions, today I’ll tell you a little about a recipe so good for the days that will come: mirror carp grilled with couscous and vegetable garnish.
– 1 crap oglinda (aprox 1 kg)
– 300 g couscous
– 50 g unt
– 1 ceapa
– 1 gogosar
– 1 morcov mare
– 1 pastarnac
– 2 linguri de ulei
– 500 ml vin alb dulce
– A mirror carp (approx 1 kg)
– 300 g couscous
– 50 g butter
– 1 onion
– 1 bell pepper
– 1 large carrot
– 1 parsnip
– 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
– 500 ml sweet white wine

Se curata si se taie pestele. Daca va place borsul de peste nu aruncati capul; il veti putea folosi pentru a prepara bors delicios cu legume (in curand va fi postata reteta si aici, pe blog).
Clean and cut the fish. If you like fish borsch don’t throw away the head; you will be able to use it to prepare delicious fish borsch with vegetables  (recipe will soon be posted here on the blog).

Pregatim gratarul. Il ungem cu putin ulei si-l incingem. Apoi punem bucatile de peste. Nu va dura prea mult pana cand acestea vor fi gata – in cazul meu au fost suficiente 15 minute.
Prepare the grill. We will grease it with a little bit of oil and then we’ll heat it. Then put the pieces of fish. It will not take too long before they will be ready – in my case 15 minutes were sufficient.

Apoi fierbem couscous folosind indicatiile de pe cutie. Sa va spun cum am facut eu? OK. Am pus la fiert cam 500 ml de apa cu un pic de sare si o lingurita de ulei. Cand apa a inceput sa clocoteasca, am tras cratita de pe foc si am adaugat couscous-ul. Apoi l-am lasat sa se umfle 3-4 minute. Dupa aceea am pus cratita din nou pe foc timp de 1-2 minute si am amestecat in continuu. Am stins focul dupa care am adaugat bucatica de unt si am amestecat incet. Couscous-ul se va umfla in continuare (este exact principiul orezului, al pastelor, etc).
Then prepare couscous using the instructions on the box. Do you want me to tell how I did? OK. I put about 500 ml of water with a little salt and a teaspoon of oil to boil in a pan. When the water began to boil, I took the pan aside and I added the couscous. Then I left to expand for 3-4 minutes. Then I put the pan back on stove for 1-2 minutes and I mixed continuously with a spatula. I took the pan aside and after that I added the piece of butter and I slowly mixed. Couscous will continue to expand (this is exactly the principle of rice, pasta, etc.).

Apoi preparam sosul de legume. Le curatam si le tocam sau le razuim (eu am razuit morcovul). Punem uleiul intr-o cratita si-l incingem putin. Adaugam apoi legumele si le sotam 3-4 minute.
Then prepare the vegetable sauce. We will peel and cut them or grate them (I grated carrots). Put oil in a pan and heat it. Add the vegetables and we will saute them 3-4 minutes.

Apoi vom adauga 500 ml de vin alb dulce si lasam sosul sa fiarba cam 20-25 de minute. Eu am avut Tamaioasa Romaneasca de la Cotnari.
Then we will add 500 ml of sweet white wine and we’ll let the sauce to boil  about 20-25 minutes. I had the Romanian Tamaioasa Cotnari wine.

Cand sosul este gata, asezam frumos pe o farfurie pestele si couscous.  Peste couscous vom turna sos si legume. Serviti cu un pahar de vin alb.
When sauce is ready, we will put on a plate some fish and couscous. We will pour sauce over couscous and vegetables. Serve with a glass of white wine.

Bon appétit!

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