De mult timp caut o reteta buna de cozonac. De fiecare data m-am lovit de faptul ca trebuie framantat mult timp, ba trebuie de cate 2-3 ori si nu mai putin de 30 de minute. Trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca nu imi place in mod deosebit sa framant si nici nu ma dau in vant dupa retete de genul celor de care v-am spus mai sus. Si dupa multa vreme am gasit o reteta de cozonac extraordinara. Cea a Gabrielei . Prima data cand am facut-o, anul acesta de Pasti, am avut o surpriza de proportii. Si nu exagerez. Mi-au crescut atat de mult cozonacii incat s-au unit in cuptor si mi s-a deschis si usa 🙂 Pare greu de crezut dar este adevarat. Au iesit tare pufosi si nu au avut viata prea lunga, neavand nici macar o fotografie sa v-o pot arata. Asa ca de Craciun am repetat reteta. Multumesc, Gabriela!
Sa va spun ce ingrediente am folosit:
– 1 kg faina (GRANIA verde, pentru cozonac)
– 50g drojdie (pachetel galben BUDAFOK)
– 250g zahar
– 500 ml lapte de 3,5% grasime (+2, 3 linguri daca este necesar)
– 200 g unt topit
– 5 galbenusuri
– 1 lingurita rasa de sare
– coaja rasa de lamaie, portocala, esenta de rom, vanilie
– 200 g nuca macinata
– 100 g crema de lapte
– stafide rehidratate
– rahat
I was looking for a long time for a good recipe of cozonac. Every time I found recipes that said I should knead the dough fora long time, even 2-3 times and no less than 30 minutes. I must admit that I do not particularly like to knead and I don’t like recipes like the ones mentioned above. And after some time I found a great cozonac recipe. Gabriela’s recipe. The first time I baked after this recipe on Easter, and I had a big surprise. And I don’t exaggerate. My cake grown so much so the two separate cakes became one and they even opened my oven’s door :)) It seems hard to believe but true. It was fluffy and didn’t have a long life, so I don’t even have a photo that I can show it to you. So I repeated this recipe for Christmas. Thanks, Gabriela!
Let me tell you what ingredients I used:
– 1 kg flour
– 50g yeast
– 250g sugar
– 500 ml milk 3.5% fat (+2, 3 teaspoons if necessary)
– 200 g butter, melted
– 5 yolks
– 1 teaspoon salt
– Lemon zest, orange, rum essence, vanilla
– 200 g ground walnuts
– 100 g milk cream
– rehydrated raisins
– turkish delight
Am cernut faina intr-un bol mare de doua ori si am incalzit putin laptele in care am dizolvat zaharul si vanilia.
Apoi o parte din faina impreuna cu drojdia si cateva linguri de lapte caldut le-am pus intr-un castron. Peste drojdie si lapte se presara cateva linguri de faina si se lasa la dospit.
I sifted the flour in a large bowl twice and I heated the milk and I dissolved the sugar and vanilla in it.
Then I put some flour with yeast and a few tablespoons of warm milk in a bowl. Sprinkle some flour over the yeast and milk and let the dough to yeast for some minutes.
Cand faina de deasupra a inceput sa crape adaugam restul de lapte, galbenusurile frecate cu sare si restul de vanilie si faina care ne-a mai ramas.
When the flour above began to “crack” add remaining milk, yolks mixed with salt and vanilla and the flour that left.
Framantam aluatul adaugand treptat untul topit. Am framantat in total vreo 15 minute dupa care am acoperit vasul cu un prosop de bucatarie si l-am pus intr-un loc unde stiam ca este caldut. Coca a fost lasata cam 45 de minute timp in care si-a dublat volumul.
Knead the dough adding gradually the melted butter. I have knead the dough a total of about 15 minutes and after that I covered the bowl with a kitchen towel and put it in a warm place. The dough was left about 45 minutes to yeast during which the volume doubled.
Intre timp am preparat crema din nuca macinata si crema de lapte. Stafidele fusesera rehidratate in apa minerala iar rahatul taiat in bucatele.
Cand coca a crescut am impartit-o in doua bucati. Fiecare bucata am impartit-o din nou in doua si le-am intins pe masa unsa cu ulei. Am pus crema de nuca, stafidele si rahatul si le-am rulat. Apoi cele doua rulouri le-am impletit si le-am pus in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Meanwhile I prepared cream of cream milk and ground walnuts. I also rehydrated the raisins in sparkling water and I cut the Turkish delight in small pieces.
When dough has risen I divided it into two pieces. I divide each piece again in half and lay on the table greased with oil. I put the cream, raisins and Turkish delight and I rolled them. Then the two rolls were blended and put in baking tray in which I put some baking paper.
Fiecare cozonac va fi uns cu galbenus amestecat cu zahar sau apa cu zahar. Apoi se baga in cuptorul preincalzit si se coace la temperatura medie.
Each cozonac will be brushed with egg yolk mixed with sugar or with a syrup made of water and sugar. Then it will be put in the preheated oven, at medium temperature.
Cand cozonacul este gata va arata ca si cel din fotografiile de mai sus: rumenit frumos 🙂
When it’s baked it will look just like the one in the pictures: goldish 🙂
Lasati-l sa se raceasca inainte de a-l taia.
Let it cool off before cutting the slices.
M-am gandit sa va invit macar virtual in casa mea, asa cum a fost ea de Craciun si Anul Nou, la un pahar de sampanie, rom sau lichior 🙂
I thought it would be nice to invite you virtually in my house, like it was for Christmas and New Year’s Eve to drink a glass of champagne, rum or liqueur 🙂
Bon appétit!
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