Patiserie / Patisserie

Covrigi cu branza/ Pretzels with cheese

 In ultima perioada am inceput sa gasesc foarte rar covrigi buni. Din cand in cand am pofta de un covrig bun si o cafea aromata si toate astea in mare viteza, la serviciu. Ei bine, a devenit o aventura sa gasesti asa ceva.
Asa ca m-am apucat sa fac in propria-mi bucatarie.


– 700g faina
– 400 ml apa
– 1 lingura ulei
– 200g branza nesarata
– 50g drojdie uscata
– 1 lingura zahar
– sare
– seminte pentru ornat
Punem apa, faina, uleiul, branza, drojdia, zaharul si sarea intr-un recipient si le amestecam. Lasam sa dospeasca 30 minute dupa care aluatul se va framanta si se va lasa pentru inca 30 de minute la dospit.
Acesta isi va dubla volumul.
Pentru amestecarea si dospirea aluatului puteti folosi si masina de paine setata la programul special pentru aluaturi.
Se imparte in parti egale in functie de cat dorim sa fie de mari (mie mi-au iesit 36). Fiecare bucata de aluat se imparte in doua si se rasuceste astfel incat sa obtinem o spirala careia ii unim capetele.
Intr-o oala de dimensiuni potrivite punem apa si o lasam pe aragaz pana cand clocoteste. Apoi cu ajutorul unei spumiere punem fiecare covrig si il oparim timp de 1-2 minute. Covrigul se scoate si se pune in tava dupa care presaram seminte peste el. Vom proceda la fel cu toti covrigii.
Tava se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Se vor lasa la copt la foc mediu pana cand vor deveni aurii.
Au iesit deliciosi! Ce-i drept au fost cam multi insa am avut grija sa ii impartim in stanga si-n dreapta!

 I love pretzels and now I started to find quite rarely good pretzels. Sometimes I like to have a good pretzel and a flavored coffee and all these in speed, at work. Well, it’s an adventure to find something like this near my company. 
So I decided to bake some pretzels in my own kitchen .
– 700 g all purpose flour
– 400 ml water
– 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
– 200 g unsalted cheese
– 50 g dried yeast
– 1 tablespoon of sugar
– salt

– seeds

We put the water, flour, oil, cheese, yeast, sugar and salt into a bowl and we mix them. We let them yeast for 30 minutes. After this time we will knead the dough and we will let it again to yeast for 30 minutes. The dough must double its volume.
For mixing and kneading the dough you can use the bread machine. You must use the special program for making the dough.
We will divide the dough in equal parts, considering how big we want be the pretzel (I made 36 parts). Each part of dough will be divided by two and we will twist one against the other so that we will have a spiral. We will put the two ends together and we will obtain the pretzel.
We will put water into a pot and we will put it on the stove. We will let it there until the water begins to boil.
With a spoon we will put each pretzel into the boiling water and we’ll keep it there for 1-2 minutes. After that the pretzel will be put on the tray. We spread some seeds on it. We do the same things with all the pretzels.
The tray will be put into the preheated oven. The pretzels will be baked at medium temperature until they begin to be parched.

They were delicious! I baked to many pretzels but I made an instant give away for my friends!

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