Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Cotlet cu prune uscate / Pork fillet with dried plums

Azi va prezint o reteta care mie mi s-a parut foarte reusita. Nu stiu care va fi parerea voastra dar sunt curioasa sa o aflu.
Nu se prepara greu, nu trebuie sa fiti meticulosi. Pe cat de simpla si eleganta este, pe atat e si de gustoasa.


– 750 g – 1 kg muschi de porc
– 250 g prune uscate
– 100 ml vinars (sau coniac)
– 350 ml vin alb
– 50 g unt

Today I will present you a recipe that I thought it was quite special. I don’t know which will be your opinion but I’m curious to see it.
It’s not difficult to prepare it, you don’t have to be meticulous. It’s simple and elegant, but it’s also very tasty.
– 750 g – 1 kg pork fillet
– 250 g dried plums
– 100 ml brandy
– 350 ml white wine
– 50 g butter

Taiem carnea in bucati potrivite, astfel incat sa obtinem 9-10 rulouri.
Bucatile se bat cu un ciocan de snitele.
Prunele uscate se pun intr-un bol si se toarna cei 100 ml de vinars. Se lasa 20-30 de minute sa se rehidrateze.

We cut the meat in medium size slices, so that we’ll obtain 9-10 rolls.
Meat slices will be tenderized with a meat tenderizer. 

Dried plums will be put into a bowl and we’ll add the 100 ml of brandy in it. We let the plums 20-30 minutes to rehydrate. 

Se pun prunele in interior.

We put the plums in the middle.

Rulam feliile de carne si se prind cu scobitori.
We roll the slices of meat and we put tooth-pick to fix the meat.

Punem carnea intr-un vas termorezistent, adaugam vinul, untul, se acopera si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Se lasa cca 1 ora, la temperatura medie. Se verifica si se intorc o data sau de doua ori.  Inainte de a scoate vasul din cuptor se lasa descoperit 10 minute pentru rumenire.

We put the meat into a thermo resistant pot, we add the wine, the butter, we cover the recipient and we put it in the preheated oven. We let it there for almost 1 hour, at medium temperature. We have to check the meat and to change their positions once or twice. Before we take out the pot from the oven we let it uncovered for 10 minutes, for parching. 

Se servesc alaturi de o garnitura de cartofi cu unt, nu inainte de a se taia felii. Simplitatea garniturii pune in valoare gustul carnii cu prune uscate.
Doresc sa va anunt ca pentru o scurta perioada comentariile voastre nu au putut fi postate pe blog. Acest lucru s-a datorat unor setari incompatibile cu noul template folosit. Acum problema s-a rezolvat si astept parerile voastre, nelamuririle sau orice alte comentarii.

We served them with a side dish, in our case potatoes with butter, but not before we cut them in slices. The simplicity of the side dish will put value on the meat’s with dried plums taste.
I want to let you know that for a short period of time your comments couldn’t be posted on the blog. This thing happened  as a cause of incompatibility between the new template and some settings. Now the problems are solved and I’m waiting to see your opinions, questions or any other comments.

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