Cornuri cu nuci caramelizate / Buns with caramelized walnuts
Din pacate nici saptamana care vine nu am sa fiu prea mult prezenta. Din mai multe cauze. Sunt si destul de ocupata in aceasta perioada dar am si o problema tehnica. Laptopul meu nu mai poate fi alimentat; se pare ca este o problema la cablul de alimentare. Si cum sotul meu lucreaza si acasa va fi destul de greu sa am acces la calculator. Asa ca voi gati, voi face fotografii si astept sa rezolv problema despre care va spuneam.
Dar sa trecem la treaba! Am facut niste cornulete cu nuci caramelizate absolut minunate!
Iata de ce ingrediente avem nevoie:
– 6 oua
– 6 linguri de zahar
– vanilie
– 14 g drojdie uscata
– 100 ml smantana dulce
– 600 ml lapte
– 1200 g faina (si inca 200 g pentru presarat pe masa)
– 400 g nuci
– 7 linguri de zahar
Unfortunately also this week I’ll miss a lot. There are few causes. I’m quite busy in this period of the year but I have also a technical problem. My laptop can’t be charged; it seems that it has a problem with charger’s wire. And considering that my husband works also at home it will be quite difficult to have access at the other computer. So I’ll be cooking, I’ll take photos and I’ll wait until my problem with the charger will be solved.
But in off talking-let’s get back to work!I baked some wonderful buns with caramelized walnuts!
Here are the ingredients:
– 6 eggs
Amestecam cele sase oua cu sase linguri de zahar, laptele caldut si smantana. Apoi vom adauga vanilia, drojdia si jumatate din cantitatea de faina. Se amesteca bine, se pune un prosop peste vas si se lasa la dospit pana cand coca isi va dubla volumul.
Cand coca a dospit adaugam restul de faina si amestecam. Coca se lasa sa se odihneasca timp de 15 minute.
We mix the eggs with the 6 tablespoons of sugar, warm milk and sweet cream. After that I put vanilla, yeast and half of the quantity of flour. We knead well, we put a fabric napkin on the recipient and we let the dough to yeast until it doubles its volume.
When the dough yeasted we’ll add the rest of the flour and we knead. The dough will be left to rest for 15 minutes.
Intre timp am caramelizat zaharul si am pus nucile. Dupa ce le-am amestecat le-am pus pe o farfurie intinsa uda. Cand zaharul caramelizat s-a racit am desfacut nucile.Meanwhile I caramelized the sugar and I put the walnuts. After I mixed the sugar with the walnuts I put them on a wet plate. When the caramel cooled off I separated the walnuts.
Am presarat faina pe masa si am intins o parte din coca pe care am taiat-o in triunghiuri de aproximativ aceeasi dimensiune. Am pus cateva nuci pe fiecare triunghi si le-am rulat de la baza spre varf. Apoi le-am asezat in tava in care am pus hartie de copt.
Cuptorul trebuie sa fie preincalzit. Se baga tava si se fixeaza la temperatura medie. Cornurile se vor unge cu un sirop facut din 2-3 linguri de zahar, vanilie si apa. Astfel cornurile noastre se rumenesc frumos capatand o culoare aurie.
I spread flour on the table and I stretched a part of the dough on it. The dough was cut in triangles with almost the same size. I put some caramelized walnuts on each triangle and I rolled it from the base to its height. I put each of them on the tray (in which previous I put baking paper).
The oven must be preheated. The tray will be put in the oven and the temperature will be set to be medium.
With a brush I put some syrup on each bun. The syrup was made of 2-3 tablespoon of sugar, vanilla and some water. This way our buns will have a nice honey colour when they will be baked.
Serviti cornurile cu lapte caldut sau o cafea la micul dejun. Sunt delicioase!
Serve the buns with warm milk or coffee at breakfast. There are delicious!
Sa aveti o saptamana minunata!
Have a wonderful week!