Conserve / Preserves

Conopida si gogosari in otet / Canned cauliflower and bell peppers

Iata ca am ajuns si la ultima reteta de muraturi de anul acesta. Cu aceasta o sa inchei pentru moment saga – saga conservelor pentru iarna :)).
Desi estimam ca nu vor iesi prea multe muraturi se pare ca mi-am depasit planul.
Iata ce am folosit:
– 2 conopide mari (cam 4 kg in total)
– 2 kg gogosari
– hrean
– foi de dafin
– piper mozaic
– boabe de mustar
– 60 g zahar
– 80 g sare
– 1 l otet din vin
– apa
So here we are at the last recipe for caning  (for this year at least). With this recipe I will finish this Saga – the caning Saga :)).
Although I estimated that we will not have too many pickles, it seems that in fact I really miscalculated something, somewhere. 
So here is what I used:
– 2 big cauliflowers (about 4 kg together)
– 2 kg red bell peppers
– horseradish
– mix of pepper
– bay leaves
– mustard seeds
– 60 g sugar
– 80 g sare
– 1 l vinegar
– water

Spalam bine legumele, le curatam si le taiem.
We wash the vegetables very well , we cut them and we take out their seeds (only for bell peppers :)) )

Punem piperul si boabele de mustar in borcan.
We put the mix of pepper and the mustard seeds in jars.

Taiem conopida si gogosarii cat de mari dorim. Eu am preferat o marime intermediara.
Se asaza frumos in borcane impreuna cu hreanul si frunzele de dafin.
Intr-o oala se pun zaharul, sarea, otetul si apa (eu am folosit 3 l) si se fierb pana dau intr-un clocot. Se stinge focul si lasam compozitia sa se raceasca putin. Apoi se adauga calduta in borcane pana cand acestea se vor umple. Se pun capacele si se lasa sa se racoreasca dupa care se vor depozita in camara sau undeva unde avem temperatura constanta si nu prea mare.
We cut the cauliflower and bell peppers as big as we wish. I preferred a medium size. We arrange them nice together with the horseradish and bay leaves.
Into a pot we are putting the salt, the sugar, vinegar and water (I used 3 l) and we put it on the stove until the composition starts to boil. We take the pot aside and  we let the composition to cool off. We put it warm in the jars until we fill them. After that, the lids are being put on the jars. We leave the jars to cool down and after that we will deposit them somewhere where we have a constant temperature, but not a high one.

Hmm, deja visez la niste bunatati cu muraturi! 🙂
Hmm, I’m already dreaming about some good meals with pickles! 🙂

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