In sfarsit a venit primavara si am inceput sa ne facem planuri pentru vara. Vacanta, silueta pentru vacanta si tot ce mai e necesar. Meniul nostru a inceput sa contina mai multe verdeturi, mancaruri mai usoare si salate proaspete. Singura problema ramane desertul. Si cine vrea sa renunte la ceva bun? Eu nu as prea vrea…
Zilele trecute am pregatit un desert pe cat de simplu, pe atat de bun – compot de mere si kiwi. Atat de aromat, proaspat-perfect pentru perioada asta a anului.
Curioasa cum sunt, am incercat un produs nou si despre care nu stiam mai nimic – Green Sugar pulbere. Acesta este un extract de frunze uscate de stevie care se poate folosi si pentru produse preparate termic, fara a schimba gustul (ceea ce initial nu am crezut cand am citit descrierea, dar s-a dovedit a fi perfect adevarat). In plus are 0 calorii.
GREEN SUGAR, brandul companiei LABORATOARELE REMEDIA, este inregistrat in Uniunea Europeana ca fiind un produs 100% natural, cu 0 calorii şi 0 indice glicemic, obtinut din doar doua ingrediente: extractul de Stevia rebaudiana (obtinut prin oparire) si eritritol (obtinut din porumb, prin fermentaţie cu drojdia Moniella pollinis). Spre deosebire de alti indulcitori de pe piata, Green Sugar este singurul dulce natural cu gust stabilizat, care nu schimba gustul alimentelor sau al bauturilor pe care le indulceste si poate fi folosit inclusiv la prajituri ce necesita preparare termica.
At last spring came and we started to make plans for the summer. Vacation, the silhouette for holiday and everything else necessary. Our menu began to include more greens, lighter meals and fresh salads. The only question that always remains is the dessert. And who wants to give up something good ? I would not really want…
The other day I prepared a dessert as simple as it is good – apple and kiwi compote. So fragrant, fresh – perfect for this time of year .
Curious as I am, I tried a new product about which I knew nothing – Green Sugar powder. This is a dry stevia leaf extract which can be used for cooked products without changing the taste (which I initially didn’t believe when I read the description, but proved to be perfectly true ). In addition it has 0 calories.
GREEN SUGAR , is the company’s LABORATORIES REMEDIA brand and it is registered in the European Union as a 100 % natural, with 0 calories and 0 glycemic index, made from just two ingredients: extract of Stevia rebaudiana (obtained by scalding) and erythritol (made from corn by fermentation with Moniella pollinis yeast) . Unlike other sweeteners on the market, Green Sugar is the only natural sweet stabilized taste, that does not change the taste of food or drinks it sweetens and can be used also for cakes that require thermal preparation.
Pentru compot am folosit cateva ingrediente simple. Am vrut sa incerc o reteta care nu implica prea mult efort si care sa ma lamureasca daca as putea sa folosesc Green Sugar si pentru alte preparate termic. Am pus 4 mere Florina, curatate de coaja si seminte, 4 kiwi curatate, 2 linguri de Green Sugar pulbere, apa, 1 lingurita de rom in final si cateva nuci prajite la servire.
I used for my compote just a few simple ingredients. I wanted to try a recipe that does not involve too much effort and to make me sure that I could use Green Sugar and other cooked products. I put four Florina apples, peeled and without seeds, 4 peeled kiwi, 2 tablespoons Green Sugar powder, water, 1 teaspoon of rum essence and some roasted nuts at serving.
Am fiert merele si kiwi impreuna cu pudra de Green Sugar. Dupa ce au fiert, am stins focul, am adaugat romul si am acoperit vasul. Am servit compotul rece, cu nuci prajite presarate deasupra. Un vis!
I boiled the apples and kiwi together with Green Sugar powder. After boiling, I took the compote aside, I added rum and I covered the dish. I served the compote cold with roasted nuts sprinkled on top. A sweet dream!
Mai multe detalii despre produsele Green Sugar, retete si alte informatii utile gasiti aici . Eu o sa revin si cu alte retete incercate 🙂
More details about Green Sugar products, recipes and other useful information can be found here. I’ll come back with some other tried recipes 🙂
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