Cocoş cu sos de clementine si rubarba / Rooster with clementines and rhubarb sauce
Am pregatit aceasta reteta de Craciun dar nu am avut cand sa o postez pe blog. Si azi i-a venit in sfarsit randul.
Cu ea am sa particip la provocarea lunii ianuarie de pe blogul Mitinitei. Luna aceasta provocarea are ca tema citricele si retete de detoxifiere. Eu am ales clementinele pentru ca imi plac extrem de mult si este sezonul lor.
Cocoşul este din curtea mamei si se pare ca a suparat-o destul de tare, fiind foarte violent si distrugator.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– pulpe si piept de cocoş
– 1.5 l vin alb
– 5-600 g clementine
– 200 g rubarba
– 50 g unt
– 50 ml apa
– 1 lingura de zahar brun
– 2-3 cuisoare
I prepared this recipe for Christmas but I haven’t had time to post it. And now its turn finally came.
With this recipe I will attend the January’s challenge on Mitinita’s blog. This month the challenge’s themes are citrus and detoxifying recipes. I chose the clementines because I like them very much and it is their season.
Rooster is from my mother’s yard and it seems to have upset her a lot being very violent and destructive.
Here are the ingredients I used:
– rooster breast and legs
– 1.5 l white wine
– 500-600 g clementines
– 200 g rhubarb
– 50 g butter
– 50 ml water
– 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
– 2-3 cloves
Am spalat carnea de cocoş cu multa apa si am pus-o intr-un vas ceramic pentru copt. Apoi am adaugat vinul si am acoperit vasul cu aluminiu deoarece nu are capac. Apoi am pus vasul in cuptorul preincalzit. Prepararea carnii dureaza cam 2 ore, deoarece cuptorul a fost fixat pe temperatura medie. Am intors carnea de pe o parte pe alta de doua ori iar inainte cu 5 minute de a o scoate din cuptor am lasat vasul descoperit. Astfel carnea s-a rumenit frumos.
Rooster’s meat was washed with plenty of water and put in a ceramic cooking dish. Then I added the wine and I covered the dish with aluminum because my dish doesn’t have a lid. Then I put the dish in the preheated oven. Preparation of meat takes about 2 hours, as the oven temperature was set on medium. I turned the meat on one on both sides two times and 5 minutes before removing it from the oven I took off the aluminium. This way the meat browned nicely.
Inainte de servire am pregatit sosul. Am curatat clementinele si am separat feliile. Apoi le-am pus intr-o cratita dupa care am adaugat rubarba – a mea intr-un mare bulgare de gheata :)) Si in final am pus apa.
Cratita se pune la fiert si amestecam incet pana cand sosul va incepe sa fiarba. El va deveni o pasta destul de groasa care nu are o culoare tare placuta ochiului insa mirosul este minunat. Cand sosul este aproape gata se adauga zaharul brun si cuisoarele si se mai lasa 3-4 minute dupa care se ia deoparte. In final adaugam untul si amestecam pana la omogenizare.
Carnea de cocos se serveste cu piure de cartofi si sos sau pur si simplu cu sos. Combinatia de dulce-acrisor a sosului, aroma cuisoarelor dar si carnea preparata in vin sunt potrivite pentru perioada iernii.
I prepared the sauce before serving. I peeled and I separated slices of my clementines. Then put them in a pan and I added the rhubarb – mine in a large ice block :)) And in the end I put the water.
I put the saucepan to boil and stirred gently until the sauce begun to boil. It will become a paste thick enough. It doesn’t have a color pleasing to the eye but the smell is wonderful. When sauce is almost ready, add brown sugar and cloves and let it 3-4 minutes to boil then take the pan aside Finally add the butter and stir until it will be homogeneous.
Rooster meat is served with mashed potatoes and sauce or simply with sauce. The combination of sweet and sour sauce, cloves and meat flavor in wine are suitable for winter.
Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!