Bauturi / Beverages

Cocktail Watermelon Breeze (cocktail cu pepene rosu)/Watermelon Breeze cocktail

Canicula din ultimele zile ne determina sa fim foarte inventivi atunci cand vine vorba de bauturi sau mancaruri usoare, de vara.
Zilele trecute am preparat un cocktail minunat pe care era pacat sa nu vi-l arat. Poate va inspira!
The heat of the past few days determines us to be very creative when it comes to drinks and light meals,  of summer.
A few days ago I prepared a wonderful cocktail and it would have been a shame not to show it to you. Maybe it will inspire you!

– 1 kg pepene rosu
– 1 lamaie
– menta
– 150 ml Grand Marnier
– gheata
– putin zahar pentru decor

– 1 kg watermelon
– 1 lemon
– mint
– 150 ml Grand Marnier
– ice
– some sugar for decoration

Pepenele se taie in cuburi, se scot samburii si se paseaza cu blenderul. Se obtine un suc foarte dens.
Watermelon will be cut into cubes, the seeds will be removed and then it will be mixed with blender. We’ll obtain a very dense juice.

Sucul se strecoara pentru a indeparta pulpa.
Strain the juice to remove pulp.

Sucul de pepene se pune intr-un recipient ce se poate inchide. Se stoarce lamaia si se pune in recipient dupa care se adauga menta (proaspata sau congelata) si Grand Marnier si se pune capacul. Se lasa la rece timp de 1-2 ore dupa care se strecoara.
Watermelon juice is put into a container that can be closed. Squeeze the lemon and put the juice in the recipient then add mint (fresh or frozen) and Grand Marnier and put the lid. Allow to cool off for 1-2 hours in the fridge then strain it.

Decorati paharele cu putin zahar, pepene si ce mai doriti si savurati alaturi de cei dragi 🙂 A, si nu uitati de gheata!
Decorate the glasses with some sugar, watermelon and anything else you want and enjoy with your loved ones 🙂 Oh, and don’t forget about the ice!

Sa aveti un weekend superb!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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